#3. Waterpark Fun

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As soon as Lena parked the car, I got out and helped Laila out of her car seat and placing her on my hip.

After scanning the VERY crowded parking lot of the water park, I was starting to think that we shouldn't go after all. " Uhh, Lena? I don't think it's safe for Laila, she can barely walk, and she might get trampled on by the crowds of people that are here".

She turned around and locked the car. " Nah, it'll be alright! You just need to loosen up a little!", She stated with a wink.

Taking a few deep breaths I nodded before continuing to walk towards the entrance of the waterpark.

And as soon as we walked in, I heard a few people around us aww at the sight of Laila smiling and giggling happily, while older adults stared at Laila and me with disgust like we didn't belong here and that they were higher up than us.

I glared at them and caused them to look away and continue what they came here for. Lena sighed from beside me and gave me a reassuring smile which made all the stares of disgust manageable. 

Then when there were still a few others staring at us with disgust Laila took it upon herself to protect both me and Lena in the cutest possible way ever.

She scrunched up her little face, glaring back as she shook her fist at them, which made us both laugh really hard. She looked back up at me and Lena and smiled cheekily. She was just like her father sweet with a little bit of spice.

" BOO!"

" AHHH!", Lena and I both screamed while Laila who was startled by the noise started crying.        " Dave! You can't do that! You scared Lena and me, which also upset Laila!", I scolded with a frown.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. " Sorry guys, and little princess, I won't do it again", he softly whispered only loud enough for Lena, Laila, and I to be able to hear. Laila stopped crying and looked at Dave with a mix of confusion on her face.

" Ddaa", she cried with a little bit of hope shining in her eyes. My breathing hitched when I realized she was looking at a guy who seemed to only be a couple of years older than us, who was standing a few feet away.

She started squirming in my arms until it got to the point where I had to put her down till she was calm. But of course, that didn't happen. As soon as her little sandaled feet touched the ground she ran over to the guy that she had been looking at a few minutes before. 

I passed the bag I was holding to Dave who put the handle on his shoulder and ran off towards Laila and the guy.

"Ddaa", she cried again but this time even louder as she tugged on the guy's shorts, causing him to look down at her.

Oh no!

Then she grabbed his shorts again before trying to pull him over to me. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to understand why she was pulling him somewhere.  Finally, he gave up and started to slowly walk with her to me.

I rushed up to them and looked the guy in the eyes. " I am so sorry! My daughter thought you were her father!", I explained frantically.

He let out a small but slightly deep laugh. " It's quite alright. I am A.j, it's nice to meet you and?"

" Harley. I'm Harley and she is Laila", I told him as I shook his hand. " Well, it's nice to meet you both", he smiled down at Laila who was trying to climb up his leg with no avail. " Is it okay, if I?", he asked as he gestured down at Laila who was begging to be held.

" Yeah", I told him softly as he bent down and picked her up making her giggle. My heart felt warm and whole seeing Laila be treated with so much love and affection from a stranger.

He threw her a few feet in the air and caught her, making her squeal with happiness clearly shining in her beautiful green eyes.

" Where's my princess? There she is!", he said as he continued to throw her and catch her carefully.

She laughed before her lip began to stick out signaling that a meltdown was about to occur. 

She reached over to me and started pulling on my bathing suit strap indicating that she needed to be fed.

" Do you have anything, that could cover her while I breastfeed her?", I asked A.J as I blushed suddenly embarrassed that I would have to breastfeed her in front of others and well..him!

He took his shirt off, and I pulled down my strap before he guided Laila's mouth to my breast. Once she was latched on, he draped his shirt over her and my breast as he continued to hold her up as we began walking trying to find a spot to sit down.

After a few awkward seconds, he decided to break the silence between the three of us. " I heard from my mother, that it helps to have someone hold the baby while the mother feeds it and that it puts less stress on the chest area", he blushed suddenly now all flustered.

' Aww! He's so sweet!', I thought inside of my head.

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