#12. Calling Hunter

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It's been 4 days since I had been kidnapped along with Laila, and I was nowhere close to finding a way out.

It was pretty hard considering that I had two guards follow me wherever I went. Yes, to ensure that I didn't try to escape, harm anyone or do anything to harm myself Ace had assigned two of the best bodyguards he had to watch over everything I did!

Like for example right now:

" Can you please, look away!", I yelled at the two bodyguards as I was trying to feed Laila since she hadn't eaten in 24 hours.

The bodyguards stayed quiet not saying or doing anything to give me privacy!

With an angry huff, I brushed, past the bodyguards as I slipped my hand into one of their pockets, and pulled out a phone.

Without wasting any more time, I continued my way to the guest bedroom that Ace had given me and Laila.

I slammed the door behind me and locked it, before putting Laila down so I could barricade the door as well since I didn't think or know that one lock was enough to keep them out.

I quickly dialed Hunter's number and prayed that he would pick up but he didn't instead I got sent to the voicemail:

" If I'm not here to take your call, I am probably at a party or a football game, or maybe just don't want to talk right now. Leave your message at the tone, and I'll get back to you soon".

Damnit! Why me?!

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