"some motherfucker said i had zero hits on the album" i mumbled. "stupid bitch, i wanted to cry after the meeting"

"what?" jay made face. "i swear there are like three hits in there. like bad guy, my strange addiction, and crown??? they didn't like those?"

"i guess not" i sighed while draping an arm around her waist. "it's whatever though, i don't care if it flops at this point"

"baby" jay frowned. "stop that, i'm sure it's gonna do good when it comes out, stop stressing about it right now"

"i have a shoot to do tomorrow" i told her.

"but it's your birthday?" jay said.

"right?" i chuckled. "laura told me that it might take all day... who knows"

"i'm sorry baby" jayden hugged me tightly. "i'll go with you tomorrow"

"of course you are" i told her. "you're coming with me either way"

"yeah okay" she let out a small laugh and yawned.

"look at us going to bed early for once" i giggled while snuggling into her side.

"right" jayden chuckled. "we're not watching our show or anything like that"

"yeah" i yawned and placed a kiss on her neck. "goodnight"

"goodnight" jay told me and squeezed me a little tighter. "your birthday is tomorrow though"

"shut up" i giggled. "i don't even care about it"

"oh yes you do" she laughed. "you love attention bil, shut up"

"whateverrr" i giggled. "but for real goodnight"

"goodnight" jay told me again. "i love you"

"i love you" i whispered and closed my eyes.


"happy birthday!" jayden shouted which caused me to wake up from my deep sleep. "happy birthday! happy birthday!"

"thank you" i rasped out while giggling like crazy.

"i made breakfast and your present is in the living room" jay told me and got off of me to leave our room.

i let out a little laugh and got out of bed.

i walked to the kitchen and saw jay placing food on my plate and sliding it in front of my seat.

"eat first and then open your present" she told me with a smile on her face. "i literally asked your mom for this recipe so you better like it!"

"i hope you didn't fuck her recipe up" i joked while cutting my pancake.

"i'm fuckin gordon ramsay babe" jay joked while taking a bite out of her eggs.

"oh wow" i said with a mouthful. "this tastes exactly like my moms, holy shit"

jayden let out a small laugh.

we both ate our breakfast and cleaned up. after that she grabbed my hands and dragged me to the living room. "sit" jay pushed me down onto the couch.

there was a cute decorated box on the coffee table in front of me.

"open your present now" jayden grinned while sitting down next to me.

i scooted forward and reached for the box in front of me. i slid the box so it was closer and began opening it. i immediately saw three circular things and knew those were candles.

"you got me more candles!" i said happily while taking them out. "holy shit!"

"i figured since our other ones are running out" jay told me while she had her hand on my back. "there's more"

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