"What,. Kind. Of. Bet? " She crossed her arms.

"He really praise your cooking skills much and I don't know you were the chef. We just recently got married
I disagreed because I though it can't be good than the food cooked by my mom. So he made a bet. "

I paused. Thinking what should I say next.

I indicate from my eye to go on.

"You know I'm known for my stubborn nature, so he said if I can eat small amount of rice and pickle for more than two days, I win but if I can't resist the food specifically cooked by you and had eaten, I would not succeed" I told her full theory which is totally not truth.

I smile nervous. She bore her eyes on my suspiciously but the next moment she gave me a hearty laugh.

"Oh floral, you both are cute" She laughed so hard.

I fake a laugh but actually it was creepy.

"You know mom that's why I didn't eat the food cooked by you and I didn't know you are the chef. Aiish! Such a coincidence"

"It is" We both took seat on dining chair.

"But you can eat today your mom's food"

"But mom I will lose"

She whispered.
"I won't tell anyone"


After half an hour, my stomach is full.nobody can cook food tasty except her.

"Floral" She said tugging her apron in sadness.

"Yes mom"I said taking a nice burp.

" I have a flight now"

"Mooom" I whined.

"Your brother got settled there almost it's seven years. He is a doctor. He has a lovely wife Bella. They had twins"

"Awwww really? I surely missed too much"

She chuckle looking at my expressions.

"It's been a year and they were asking me to come  California for a long time and now is my flight" She looked sad.

Even I don't want her to leave her but I know she will not like the behavior of Lucas towards me. He hates me too much and she is just too fragile to see her daughter in pain.

"You should go and enjoy your time and you know what it's our first night so.... " I fake a shy look to her.

She gasp in acknowledgment.

"Aaaaah.....di a good job okay and do give me my grandchildren"

I blush and definitely I faked it.

"Okay bye floral, I've to catch flight in 45 minutes, I better go" She stood and gave a kiss and so did I.

I saw her figure disappeared from the main door.

It's 9'o' clock but Lucas didn't came yet.

Speaking of devil, I hear the car horn.

After few minutes he came from door.

His coat is in his hand. He look like a prince but that prince I can't dream to be l. He is just too toxic now.

He ignores me and headed upstairs to his room.

After 10 minutes he came again. In new three piece suit. His l hair looked wet. He took shower I guess but where is he going?

He climbed down stairs and without looking at my direction, he directly exist from main door.

I got tears. Whom the hell was I expecting?

Why would he even care about our first day we will start living together.

Probably he went to his date.

You can expect it from the men who don't love you.

And who also made it quite clear.

He left as I saw him got in in Royal rolls from a very big glass interior.

I climbed down to basement. To my dusty room.

And cried with my heart. I think it will become a habit now.

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