Feel Better

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"It's okay, it'll be okay." Marlene assured me. She stroked my hair as I sobbed into her leg.

It's only been a few minutes since I broke up with Sirius and I was already a personified version of a weeping willow. I couldn't stop crying. I loved Sirius, but we were on a downward slope and I knew we wouldn't be able to pick ourselves back up.

"Just cry it out now." Lily told me from the other side of the bed. "It hurts, but you'll feel better soon."

"I don't want to feel better!" I said. "I don't want to get over it, I want to rip the stars to shreds! I love him and I can't believe I just did that."

Marlene handed me her robe so I could wipe my tears. I used it, but the tears just kept streaming out. It wouldn't stop.

"Then why did you break up with him?" Dorcas asked.

Marlene shot her a dirty look, signalling to tell Dorcas to stop talking.

"It wasn't working. That's it." I told her. "It was already killing us, and I knew stalling until the very end would have just been worse. I didn't want to die twice."

Someone walked by the door, we assumed it was just another student or perhaps even a professor making sure everyone was in bed. I held my breath and tried not to make any noises so they wouldn't hear me crying. Marlene hugged me to comfort me when she felt me tense up and hold my breath.

Once the sound of footsteps had faded away, I grabbed a handkerchief from my dresser beside us and wiped my face.

"What am I going to do now?" I asked, thinking about how things would be at school with Sirius and all of our friends after this. "Like how am I going to go on and see him every day?"

"It'll get better, Rose." Lily assured me.

"Trust me, it might take a while, but things will clear up." Marlene said. "After a bit of time, you'll forget about how you're feeling right now and everything will go back to normal."

I stared off at the wall for a moment, thinking about how happy I was with Sirius at the beginning. I missed him already, but to be fair, I've been missing him for almost two months now.

"If you've been rocky for a while, then why are you all sad that you broke it off?" Dorcas asked. Rather inconsiderate, if you ask me.

"Because someone loved me, someone fucking loved me!" I said, then I took a breath to try and stop myself from crying even more. "Someone fucking loved me and I fucking loved him too. Damn it, I was worth something."

"Rose," Marlene said, most likely about to say something comforting.

"No, I loved him so much." I said. "I was really willing to fuck him in secret for weeks just because I liked him that much. I let him stay at my house when I was in hiding and I really turned Regulus down multiple times because of him."

I let out a grunt of frustration over that last thought. I've really done so much for him, we've done so much for each other, all for it to start falling apart as soon as we got back to school.

"I feel like shit and Sirius is probably going to be over it in a day." I added.

Marlene held my hand and stopped me when I said that.

"Honey, no, he's not. We all saw how happy you made each other, and I know him and I know that he's not going to just get over you right away." Marlene said. "He'll go through the same thing as you. It'll hurt for a bit, but then you'll be okay."

I nodded, showing her that she was getting through to me.

"And you have us, and we'll be here every step of the way as you heal. I promise." She continued with a reassuring smile on her face.

"Thank you guys." I said. "I'm so lucky I have you with me."


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a/n: yeesh sorry it's been a while since I posted last. I finally started working on my Regulus Black story, and I'll ket you know when I post it.

Anyways this chapter was just kind of some super sad fluff bc Rose and Sirius just broke up and ofc she's sad. Sorry for the language in this chapter btw if you don't like that, I just thought Rose would swear a lot like this if she was frustrated (also bc it's the song lyrics but whatever).

Be sure to give this chapter a vote if you enjoyed it, and I'll be back soon, perhaps with a brand new story!

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