Lovers Rock

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There are always the stragglers after a gathering. The few that just don't want the night to end. For tonight, it was just me, Lily, and Sirius. It was more just a hangout than a party, but with the sheer size of our friend group, it came damn near close.

It was a Sunday, and none of us had any important homework, so we had spent almost the entire day playing card games, hanging out, and drinking a little in the Gryffindor common room, but by the time the clock hit midnight, almost everyone had trickled out and only 3 of us were left. We left the music on from before, but ditched the cards and just started talking.

"But really, like blood supremacy is such a stupid concept and you can tell your parents I said that, I don't care." Lily said, finishing up our conversation. "Like I'll really come over to your house and say it to their faces. They're so pretentious."

We all laughed because none of us doubted Lily would actually do that if she got the chance.

"Thank you, Evans." Sirius said, pausing in between sentences to take a puff of the cigarette in between his fingers. "But I doubt that would go the way you imagine it would."

"No, I'll really do it. Just not tonight, cause I've got to head to bed now."

"What!?" I protested in a light-hearted way. "You're going back to the dorm now? It's only midnight."

"Yep, and you guys should get to sleep soon too." She patted my head as she walked out. "Goodnight!" She said loudly by the door before she left the room.

She left, and then it was just me and Sirius. We haven't been alone together in the few days since the truth serum incident, but I wasn't scared he was going to bring up what happened, he's not like that. I was just worried I'd be awkward.

"What about you?" He asked. "Are you going to head out?"

"No." I shook my head. "I haven't been able to sleep lately, so there would be no point. You?"

"Same here." He put out his cigarette on the ashtray beside him, got up, and moved over to sit next to me on the couch. "I have an odd question. Are you sick of me?"

I found the question blunt and weird, so I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "No, I'm not."

The song ended and on came a lovers rock song.

He shifted his body to face me. We locked eyes for a moment and he asked a second question. "Would you like to be?"


He cupped my cheek with one hand and the back of my neck with the other. He moved his head forward and kissed me. The second his lips touched mine, I could feel a swarm of butterflies in my stomach, and heat rising in my chest. I'm glad he closed his eyes when he leaned in, because I could tell I was blushing like crazy.

He tasted like cigarettes, but I didn't mind. I liked it, even. He started to take off his coat, without even pulling away from me.

The record started to skip. "Shit." He muttered, turning around to flip it over. He turned back around. I noticed he had a faint stain of my red lipstick on his lips.

There was a moment of silence when he looked back at me. I was scared out of my mind, but I didn't exactly know why.

"I, um. I should go." He started. "I'm sorry. I-"

I interrupted him. "Don't be."


I responded back with a nod and a small smirk.

"You really want to do this? Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do."

He smiled for a second, then he kissed me again. He had me pinned down on the couch and slid his hands under my sweater. He pulled it over my head and started to kiss my neck while taking his shirt off.

Sirius had his hands on my back and was about to unclip my bra when we heard someone walk in.

"Fuck", both Sirius and I said while quickly trying to grab our clothes off of the ground and praying it wasn't a professor who just walked in.

"Oh my god!" Lily gasped when she saw us. "I am so sorry I just came in here because I forgot my jumper but oh my god. I am really so sorry." She said, immediately turning back around, leaving her sweater again.

Seeing the horrified look on my face and realising his hand had landed on my chest when he went to stand in front of me when we heard someone walk in, Sirius let out a soft "I'm so sorry."

Knowing the moment was ruined, we both started getting dressed again. I tried to get dressed quickly in case someone else walked in, but Sirius didn't seem too concerned.

I had everything on except for my sweater, which I couldn't find anywhere around me. I looked up and saw Sirius holding it out for me.

"Thank you." I muttered.

"Again, I am so sorry, Rose. I didn't think anyone would come in." He said.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I told him. "I just have to get back to my dorm and hopefully catch up to Lily before she tells Marlene about it. She's a gossip, you know."

I pulled my hair out of my sweater and started to let out an awkward goodbye.

"You know, I- I'm sorry too. I, um- I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I stuttered.

"See you tomorrow." He kissed my cheek and I turned around to leave.

"Wait" He said.

I turned around and walked closer to him. He towered over me and looked in my eyes.

"How many people have you kissed?" He asked me.

I broke eye contact, feeling embarassed by my answer. "Very few."

"But you let me kiss you, why?"

"Such a foolish reason, I'm afraid." I said, trying not to blush. "I just wanted to kiss you."

He let out a smile, and then kissed me again, this time on my lips, but quickly broke away and turned around to shut off the music.

"You can go back to your dorm now, if you want." He said, turning back to face me, but still standing by the couch. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about tonight."

"Thanks," I said with a smile of relief. "goodnight."

"Goodnight" He replied.

I left the common room and started walking back to my dorm, slightly speedwalking in hopes of catching Lily before she gets back to our room and tells Marlene. I couldn't help but blush and smile like an excited child while I walked back. After all, I had just kissed Sirius Black.

a/n: Hey guys, I'm sorry this chapter took a while, I'll try to release chapters more frequently, even though I know I don't have many readers

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a/n: Hey guys, I'm sorry this chapter took a while, I'll try to release chapters more frequently, even though I know I don't have many readers. Also, I lied in the intro of the book, and this is going to be a story with a linear, correlating plot, I just may have some fluff/filler chapters.

Let me know if you guys liked the chapter, comment, vote, and recommend the story to friends if you liked it, and I'll try to release a new one soon. Bye :)

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