Cigarette Duet

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Today was the day that I met Orion and Walburga Black for the first time. I have been scared out of my mind for a whole week since Regulus asked me to meet his parents on the night of the Yule Ball. 

Regulus and I arrived at the Black household at around 6 o'clock so we would be there for dinner, but Regulus talked me into staying with him and his family for the last week of winter break. 

We stood on the front porch, as I had to build up the nerves to walk inside. I don't think I've ever been more freaked out in my entire life. Though, I could feel my anxiety and stress seem to evaporate from my body when Regulus took my hand in order to calm me a little bit. 

"Are you okay?" Regulus asked. 

"I think so." I told him. "But, there's only one way to find out, right?"

"Perfect." He shot me one last reassuring smile, then knocked on the door, announcing our presence, then just walked inside.

Standing in the kitchen, were his parents with stern, seemingly emotionless faces. Their faces shifted, displaying polite smiles when they saw Regulus walk inside, and they started to walk towards us, introducing themselves. 

"Hello, dear." Walburga said. "You must be Rose. Regulus has told us so much about you."

"Oh, yes." I said. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

"Yes, you as well." Orion added. "We're very excited to get to know you."

I'm sure they were being geniune, but I would never be able to tell from their faces. They were both flashing polite smiles like children being introduced to their parents friends from work. 

I suddenly became more nervous, and I forgot everything I was planning on saying, but luckily, Sirius and Remus knocked on the front door, directing Walburga and Orion's attention away from me. 


After dinner and before dessert, Regulus went into the drawing room to smoke. As it was a habbit seemingly carried through the Black family's genes, Sirius followed him a minute later. 

I was reluctant to leave Remus alone with Orion and Walburga, but I'll admit I was worried for Regulus and Sirius, since they were at home together for the first time since last winter. I excused myself for a minute, and went to check on them. 

I walked up to the door, and saw Regulus and Sirius both smoking in silence.

"Hey." I said softly, announcing my presence outside. "I just came to check up on you both."

I walked inside, and sat down next to Regulus on the couch, the two of us across from Sirius.

To the confusion of Sirius, Regulus pulled out his lighter and his cigarette tin to offer me a smoke.

"Thanks." I said, taking one of the cigarettes from the tin and holding it between my fingers as Regulus lit it for me. 

After a moment of nothing but hushed breaths, Sirius interrupted the silence to ask me how I felt about Orion and Walburga.

"I've only known them for an hour." I told him, avoiding giving him a real answer.

Sirius nodded, seeming like he noticed that I was avoiding an answer, and like he knew why as well. The silence continued for a minute until Regulus finished his cigarette and put it out in the ashtray on the coffee table.

"I'm going back out there." Regulus announced. "I'll see you in a minute."

He kissed me on the cheek as he stood up, leaving me alone with Sirius. 

I took a drag drag from the cigarette, then blew out the smoke up above my head. 

"I thought I told you that you should never smoke." Sirius said. 

"You did." I confirmed. "I tried one of Regulus' last week and liked it."

"It's really unhealthy." 

"It's just a cigarette, and it cannot be that bad."

"Honey, you know it makes me sad to see you like this." 

Sirius put out his cigarette, and moved to the empty seat beside me. 

"It's just one. It's only twice a week. Why can't you trust me? When I want to stop, I can." I told him. 

"Maybe, but is it worth it if we fight?" He asked. 

I held the cigarette in between my lips, doing what I could to taunt him. He plucked it out of my mouth and put it out in the ashtray, too quickly for me to stop him. I wanted to say something to protest, but he spoke before I could say anything.

"It would have made you sick." He defended.

"It's only twice a week, so there's not much of a chance. " I explained. 

"Well, now there's no chance." He said as he walked back to the dinner party. 

a/n: yes this chapter is weird and the main song part feels out of place, I don't care

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

a/n: yes this chapter is weird and the main song part feels out of place, I don't care. This was one of the first chapters I thought about making for some reason, so I decided to keep it. Also, it was a transition chapter from the Yule Ball to Rose meeting the Blacks, so it's kind of necessary. 

Also I know I keep saying it, but I'm not going completely going by canon, so I'm making Orion and Walburga not horrible like they actually are so that I can do these last chapters.

Anyways, only 2 chapters left! I know y'all are getting excited (jk the story only has 900 reads). I know I'm getting excited bc I can't wait to end this story and then start a new one. 

𝓢𝔂𝓶𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓷𝔂 || MaraudersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ