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Our papers were signed, and we were all ready for the Hogsmeade trip this weekend. We were all gathered outside, ready to go. Everyone's always excited for the Hogsmeade trips, but especially this time.

A week until the Yule Ball, and this was everyone's chance to pick out a dress if they haven't already. A bunch of girls are going to my aunt Hazel's dress shop for our Yule Ball dresses.

"Does your aunt make sparkly dresses? I want like a light blue dress with a bunch of sparkles on it." Marlene said.

"She makes everything. We visited the shop to buy dresses last year too, remember?" I told her.

"Ugh, I know. I'm just so excited! What are you going to get, Rose?"

"I don't know, she said she's making a special dress for me but I haven't seen it yet. I'm really excited for it!"

"We're all excited!" Lily shouted. "Now let's go!"

"Oh my Merlin, she's giddy." Dorcas rolled her eyes.

"Of course she is." I said. "James finally asked her out after 6 years. I'm honestly surprised you and Marlene aren't acting the same way."

We were interrupted by the Marauders coming out of the front doors of the school and running towards us.

"Winter Hogsmeade trip, are you guys ready!?" James shouted as he ran towards us, and stopped when he got to Lily.

Remus tousled the hair on the top of my head when he caught up to us.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, clearly with an alterior motive.

"What's behind the affection, Moony?" I asked him curiously.

"You said you would buy me something up to 5 galleons last week, remember?"

I did forget about that. It happened after we made a bet in potions class on who would mess up a brew in the class first. He won, even though I was sure it would have been Frank. But I am a woman of my word, so I dug into my bag and pulled out 5 galleons, plus a few sickles as a gift.

"Keep the change." I told Remus with a smile.


"Okay, I'm not going anywhere before I get some Butterbeer." Peter whined as we were all trying to figure out how we would spend the trip.

"Ok fine, we can go to Three Broomsticks first then." James said, speaking over Peter as he pulled out a list from his pocket and started reading.

"Pumpkin Juice, chocolate candy..." He continued.

"Jesus Christ," Lily interrupted. "Fine, you guys can go to the candy store and browse some other stores for a bit while we go to buy our dresses. Then, we can all meet at Three Broomsticks in an hour or two. Sound good?"

Everyone agreed to this plan, as it had something for everyone. The guys could even split up and visit different shops if they wanted, but we would all meet up soon.

We split up based on who needed to buy a dress, and who just came to buy candy or whatever else, which means Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and I all went together. We invited Alice to come with us, but her and Frank wanted to spend the day together because she already had a dress for the Yule Ball.

We walked past a few shops, noting which ones we would want to visit later. Then we arrived at the dress shop. A two-story building with a glass storefront displaying 5 different dresses, even though they were partially blocked by a build-up of frost on the windows. Over the door hung a large, wooden sign above reading "Hazel's Wardrobe" in black cursive lettering.

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