Baby I'm Yours

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I walked up to the drinks table to meet Regulus. I saw him standing there, talking to Sirius.

"Hey." I said when I got close to him. "Marlene said you were looking for me."

"Yeah." He said. "I saw you were having a lot of fun, so I didn't want to interrupt, but I wanted to talk to you in private for a minute."

Shit. That could be bad. He didn't look super excited. What could be so important that we had to speak in private. What could be so important that we had to leave the Yule Ball?

"Yeah, of course." I said, pretending not to be worried at all. "Do you want to go outside?"

"Yeah. Sure, that sounds great."

As we walked out of the Great Hall, my heart was racing. I felt like I could start hyperventilating at any given moment.

All the thoughts ran through my head about all the things Regulus could possibly say to me. I started the day believing that this would be the best night of my life, but now I wasn't so sure anymore.

We stopped by the Transfiguration Courtyard, and my nerves suddenly became so much worse.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked him.

He paused for a second, like he was finding the words to go with what he wanted to say.

"I was wondering if you'd come home with me over the winter." He said. "You could meet my parents, and I even talked Sirius into coming back and bringing Remus too, so it's less pressure."

"Are you kidding right now?" I asked, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What do you say? I'm sorry I didn't ask you earlier, but I just-"

I interrupted him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders in a hug. "Yes, I'll come with you!"

"You will?" He asked.

"Of course I will! Oh my Merlin, I was so scared you were going to tell me something terrible, don't scare me like that ever again!"

"What did you think I was going to say?" He asked me.

"I don't know but I would have fought you hard on it."

"Good. Because if I'm taking you home, I would hope that you would fight to keep me."

I kept my hands wrapped around his shoulders and behind his neck, then looked into his eyes.

"Regulus, baby, I'm yours." I promised him. "And I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky. I will absolutely fight for you."

He looked at me proudly and let out a small smile. "And that is what I love about you."

I could feel myself starting to blush, and decided the best way to hide it was to pull Regulus' face down a few inches to my level and kiss him.

After a few seconds, we pulled apart, and my face became even more red than before.

"We better go back inside." I said with a slight grin. "Or everyone will think we're fucking or something."

"Who cares what they think?" He asked, his hand running down my arm.

"I do." I giggled. "At least, I think so."


When Regulus and I went back inside to the ball, I immediately ran over to find my friends with a huge smile on my face. The first person I saw was Lily, so I went over to her first.

"Lils, guess what!?" I squealed.

"Um, I don't know. What is it?" Lily asked.

"I'm going home with Regulus! I'm so excited!"

"Babe, I don't need to know that. You can just tell me about the main stuff tomorrow morning." She said, misunderstanding me.

"No, I mean he's taking me home over the winters break to meet his parents!"

I already couldn't stop smiling, then Regulus made it worse by walking up to us and bringing me a drink.

"So, Regulus," Lily inquired. "Rose tells me you're taking her home to meet your family."

"Yes." He smiled. "I just asked her, but I've been planning it for a while, and Remus and Sirius are coming as well."

"No offense, but aren't your parents a little, umm-" Lily asked, clearly trying to avoid any rude descriptors.

"They can be a little much, yes." Regulus said. "But they're still my parents. Plus there will be more of us than usual, so they can't gang up on anyone."

"Well then." Lily said. "Best of luck to you lovebirds."

a/n: idk about this chapter but at least it's more related to the song than the last one so that's a good thing

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a/n: idk about this chapter but at least it's more related to the song than the last one so that's a good thing. It's not my worst chapter.

Also, it's Sirius Black's birthday rn so I felt the need to post something today.

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