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Earlier today, the girls and I dumped out all the clothes from our trunks and our closet into a big pile. Since we share all of our clothes when we're at school anyways, our stuff is never in its place. But now that the year is coming to an end, we have to sort out our own things again. 

"And then who's is this one?" Marlene asked us, holding up a white and red raglan t-shirt.

Lily, Dorcas, and I all looked at each other and shrugged. 

"I don't think it's mine, but I call dibs if no one wants it." Lily said. 

"Alright, then." Marlene said, throwing the shirt on top of Lily's clothing pile. "Sold to the lovely little ginger in the front!"

I took the next item of clothing from the pile on the floor in the middle of our room. I picked up a pair of bell bottoms with flowers embroidered on the pockets. I know I've worn those a few times this year.

"What about this one?" I asked.

"Oh those are mine." Lily said, holding out her arms.

"Why is Evans getting all the clothes? My trunk is literally, like, empty." Dorcas complained.

Marlene laughed at her girlfriend.

"We've barely started." She said. "But we can take a break if you're getting worked up already."

"I'll take a break." Lily said.

I agreed with her. This was my last day before leaving for the summer. I would be halfway across the world in a few days, so I wanted to cherish every moment I could spend with my friends.

"Alright, one quick twenty minute break, then we have to be back and ready to pack." Marlene instructed. "We still have at least 2 trunks of clothes left."

Lily and I went outside into the hallway to stretch out legs. All the way down the corridor, as far as the eye can see, there were trunks and bags and suitcases next to every single door.

"Can you believe it? Another year done?" I asked.

"It'll drive you crazy, getting old." Lily said.

"We're not old yet. We've got at least 4 more years until our joints start hurting."

"It still feels so scary."

"You know what's scary?" I asked. "Being away from all of you for 2 months."

"Are you really going to be away from all of us, though?"

I looked over at her, and she was giving me a sneaky smile and head tilt.

"What are you talking about?" I scoffed. 

"Marlene told me about the tarot cards. Sounds like something may happen soon with one of the Black brothers. Maybe, say, Regulus in particular." She said in a singsong tone. 

"No." I told her. "I'm going to be in Massachusetts. There's no way anything will happen."

"What about the other one?"

"Several things." I said. "One, him and Remus are together now, so no. And two, even if he wasn't, he's staying with James, so honestly, you'll probably see him more this summer than I will." 

Lily smiled and rolled her eyes at me. 

"Oh, don't do that." I told her, half-joking. "Isn't that another part of growing up and getting old? Leaving people?"

"That's about leaving people forever. You're only gone for two months."

"Yeah, now it's only two months. But I still don't know what I'll do when I graduate." I confessed. 

Lily's smile faded immediately after I said that. She looked at me trying not to seem sad, but her eyes couldn't lie. 

"You mean you're not staying in here in England?"

"I mean I don't know what's going to happen. Of course I want to stay here, but I also still have old friends in America, and I don't have any solid plans yet."

Lily let out a soft sigh, and then turned and looked around the hallway with a melancholy expression on her face.

"But, I still have a year to think." I pointed out. "Lots of time."

"That's true." She smiled. "That means I still have a year to convince you. And, I'll get everyone to help me, don't worry." 

I let out a giggle, and turned to face Lily. 

"Oh, I wasn't worried at all. Everything will work out just fine."

a/n: Yay, one year done! I think I'll end the story at the next winter break instead of the end of the year, but I still have lots planned that it'll feel like a whole year I hope

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

a/n: Yay, one year done! I think I'll end the story at the next winter break instead of the end of the year, but I still have lots planned that it'll feel like a whole year I hope. 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and be sure to come back for more!

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