Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby

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"So after the Yule Ball, I have to go back to her house. And she said I'll be staying there until Ash gets caught, I guess." I explained once we all got back to Three Broomsticks.

"What if he doesn't get caught?" Dorcas asked.

Marlene pinched her arm for asking a question like that.

"Ow!" Dorcas exclaimed, then looked back at me. "Sorry."

"No, it's alright." I told her. "Um, we haven't really thought that far in advance, but I guess I would just never come back to school."

I could feel my voice break as I spoke. Nothing I was saying were things I thought I'd ever have to say out loud, and every word hurt like hell.

"So, I mean," I continued. "I guess I should just lay low here, make the best of the Yule Ball, and then leave for who knows how long." I sighed and wiped a tear I didn't even realize was falling down my cheek. "It's fine. I'm still here for another week, so I guess I should enjoy it."

Solemn silence filled the room. We were all sad at the fact that I may never come back to Hogwarts or see my friends again, and the fact that a murderer could be after me wanting revenge for putting him in prison.

"No, you know what, that's bullshit." Sirius spoke up. This was the first time in almost 2 weeks that he's adressed me directly. It caught me off guard. "Hogwarts would be much safer than your aunt's house. You should stay with us. As long as you're with us, you'll be just fine."

"It's not me you need to convince." I stated. "I really do want to stay with you guys, but I know my aunt won't change her mind any time soon."

"Do you actually think we could? Like would she change her mind?" James asked.

I shook my head. "You could try, but she's stubborn. Especially when it comes to something like this."

"So we only get one more week of you?" Lily asked. Her voice was strained, and I could tell she was upset but didn't want to show it.

"I guess so." I let out a sigh, then forced a smile. "So let's go make the most of it."

A moment of silence followed my response, as no one was sure if we should actually go have fun or if we should just stay here in Three Broomsticks. Regulus broke the silence, agreeing with me that we should all make the most of what could be my last week at Hogwarts.

"Alright, then." James said, standing up. "What do you want to do first, Rose?"

"I haven't been to Honeyduke's yet today, and I've been craving some jelly slugs all week." I said with a polite smile.

Peter, Remus, and Dorcas chugged down the rest of their Butterbeers, then we all left the Inn, leaving behind 10 empty pint glasses and a newspaper bearing a picture of the face behind my worst nightmares.

As we were walking into Honeyduke's, Lily grabbed me before I could walk in the door and pulled me by my forearm into the alley beside the shop.

"What?" I asked, shaking my arm, knowing she had grabbed me hard enough to leave a mark.

"What's going on with you?" She asked, looking at me with a sad and concerned look on her face.

That question. What's going on? I hate that fucking question. Anytime anyone asks me what's wrong, I can't help but tear up.

"What do you mean?" I asked, supressing the lump I could feel building up in my throat.

"I mean, I can tell you're super upset about the news, so why are you pretending you're okay?"

"I'm not pretending," I lied.

"You were upset for about 5 minutes about this, then you just smiled and suggested we all go on a shopping spree. It's okay to be scared, Rose."

I started to choke up, even though I was trying my hardest to be okay. I was really scared. Ash was every nightmare I've had for a year and a half, he was my worst fear. I could feel tears running down my face as I though about it more.

Lily wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, but I doubted she could understand me over the sound of me silently sobbing. "I'm really sorry" I repeated.

"You have nothing to apologize for." She whispered, still holding me as I cried into her shoulder. "I just need you to know that it's okay to be upset, but nothing's gonna hurt you. You'll be just fine. I promise."

"Thank you." I said softly.

I let go of her, and she took her arms from around me. I wiped my tears, and she held my hand wherever we went for the rest of the trip.

a/n: So this is kind of a shorter chapter, but the Yule Ball is coming up, so this was kind of just a filler chapter

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a/n: So this is kind of a shorter chapter, but the Yule Ball is coming up, so this was kind of just a filler chapter. Anyways, vote and comment if you liked the story, and I'll be back soon with another chapter.

𝓢𝔂𝓶𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓷𝔂 || MaraudersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora