Je Te Lesserai Des Mots

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Almost midnight, and everyone in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory was still awake. We always stay up late on nights when we don't have school the next day, and tonight was no exception. 

Tonight, we were all gossiping about some students in other houses from us. Nothinhg too mean though, don't worry. It was all just us trying to stay up late and waste time with meaningless conversation.  

It was all normal, with us doing what we do every Saturday night, until there was a letter slipped under the door. 

Dorcas was closest, so as soon as we all noticed the letter, she went and opened the door to see if anyone was outside. She looked around the hallway, but no one was there. 

When she came back inside and closed the door behind her, Lily and I picked up the letter and saw it had my name on the outside of it. Lily looked at me with a big smile on her face, like she knew something I didn't. 

"Open it!" She said excitedly. 

I reluctantly took the neatly folded letter from her and opened it up. 

My name was on the outside, and there were just a few words on the inside. It felt like a note that would be passed through the room during class.

It was a brief note, but I immediately recognized the handwriting and became just as excited as Lily. 

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower in 10 minutes

- Regulus

I squealed with joy as I read the note. A million thoughts started running through my head. Does he like me like that? Is this a date? Am I just another one of his conquests?

I placed the note down on my bed once I finished reading, and the other girls immediately snatched it up to read it as well. 

Their eyes widened when they read the note and then realized who it was from. 

"Why are you still here!?" Marlene squealed. "You have a date in ten minutes!"

"What? No, I can't go to that." I told her. 

"Yes, you can! You're going!"

"What do I even wear?" I said, looking down at my silk nightdress.

"That!" Lily said. "Are you kidding me? That looks like a normal slip dress, you look so pretty!"

"I guess." I said hesitantly. 

Lily began shoving me, trying to get me out the door. 

"Let's go, you have a date and you're going to be late!" She said, pushing me out into the hallway. 

"Good luck!" Dorcas and Marlene said to me as they closed the door. 


As I walked up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower, I could feel the air getting cooler for each step I took. I reached the top, and saw Regulus sitting at the top. I could barely see him, though, since it was dark and he was looking up at the sky. 

"Hi." I said quietly. 

"You came." He observed. 

"Well the note was so nice, how could I say no?"

"Sorry." He said softly. "I just wanted to see you."

I sighed, my mind heading to the worst, yet common, scenario. 

"Are you drunk?" I asked him. 

He turned his head away from the night sky and towards me.

"What? Why would you think that?"

My heart sank for a moment. The realization that he wasn't just a carbon copy of Sirius dawned on me. I had known before, of course, but seeing both brothers vulnerable like this set the realization in.

"I just-" I started, then Regulus interrupted me, likely knowing what I was about to say.

"No, don't tell me." He said. "And no, I'm not. I just wanted to be with you."

I eyed his lips, watching them move with each word he spoke, then looking back into his eyes.

"You couldn't have found a way to see me during the day?" I asked.

"It's hard to get you alone during the day."

"And why do we need to be alone?" I asked, moving close to him.

"Because I've been wanting to do this."

He over, placed one hand on the side of my neck and the other on the back of my head. I knew what he was about to do, and I let him.

He held me tightly, then leaned close to me, his face now just a few inches away from mine. Then, he pressed his lips onto mine, with a kiss that I would say is his best one yet.

After a second, we pulled away from each other when we heard several sets of footsteps coming up the stairs.

We leaned beside each other on the banister as four familiar faces emerged from the staircase. The Marauders, up here for a ridiculous prank, no doubt.

"Oh shit." James said when he saw Regulus and I. "What are you two doing up here?"

"Um, we were just-" I stuttered.

"Nevermind." Peter said. "Want to hear what we're doing?"

I sighed. "Fine. What are you boys doing?"

"We're flooding the Astronomy Tower with pictures of ourselves!" Remus told us, excitedly holding up a giant stack of photos.

"Get it?" Sirius said. "Because we're stars."

"Lovely." I said sarcastically. "Well, you enjoy that, I'll be on my way back to my dorm."

I walked through the four boys, and over to the stairwell.

"Goodnight." I said before turning around and going back inside.

"Here, I'll walk you back." Regulus said, walking towards me.

The two of us walked down the stairs and went back into the school.

"I'm really sorry about that." Regulus said as neared my room. "I thought we could be alone up there."

"Don't worry, it's probably my fault." I laughed. "Believe it or not, that actually happens to me a lot."

"I could live with that." He winked.

"Could you really?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well, I think you should sleep on it, and then tell me what you think tomorrow."

I kissed him gently on his cheek, then turned around and walked to my dorm room door.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight." He repeated as I opened the door to my dorm.

" He repeated as I opened the door to my dorm

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a/n: So... trying to find a good balance between non-rushed storylines and a tight posting schedule is turning out to be WAY harder than I thought. But I'm managing. How are y'all?

Anyways, this story is almost done and my other story just got like really popular overnight for some reason, so I'm excited and I'll definitely be writing a lot. See you soon :)

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