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Charms class was dismissed, and Regulus and I were walking behind James and Lily to the Great Hall for lunch. I usually walk with Lily, but ever since she started dating James, I've been walking with Regulus to give them space.

Regulus and I walked down the stairs towards the Transfiguration Courtyard, joking about another student whose charm had gone wrong in class.

As we walked past the courtyard, which seemed more empty than usual, we all stopped in shock. In the corner of the outdoor hallway was Sirius Black kissing Remus Lupin.

"Merlin's beard." James muttered, causing Remus and Sirius to notice we were standing there.

My heart sank when I saw the two of them. That was my Sirius. And he promised me that Remus meant nothing to him just a few weeks ago. I could feel a lump forming in my throat, and I wanted to burst into tears right then and there.

The two of them pulled away from each other, acting as if noting had happened, even though we all saw it.

"I think I'm going to skip out on lunch." I told Regulus quietly, starting to walking away so I wouldn't cry in front of anyone.

I started heading to Myrtle's bathroom, just down the hall from the courtyard.

I heard Sirius call my name and head towards me, and I turned around to look at him and his brown guilty eyes. Regulus held his arm out as Sirius ran to me, holding Sirius back for a little bit.

I ran into the bathroom, and collapsed onto the ledge underneath the far window. I was clearly crying quite loudly, because even Moaning Myrtle herself saw me and then left me alone.

After a minute or two, there was a knock at the bathroom door. I held my breath, trying to stay as silent as I could in hopes that whoever it was would simply walk away and leave me alone.

"Rose, it's Sirius." He said from behind the door. "Can I come in?"

I hesitated before answering. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to see me like this, and I didn't know if I wanted to hear what he had to say yet. My first thought was to tell him to go screw himself, but I changed my mind.

"Fine." I said.

The door opened loudly, and then Sirius started walking towards me with his hands in his pockets.

I wiped my tears before he could walk past the sinks, even though I was still crying. I looked up at him again, his face now in the light. I noticed that he actually looked sympathetic for me, and not just in a pity type way.

"You betrayed me." I told him. "It took you two weeks to go on and kiss him."

"I just want to explain. Clear everything up." Sirius said, taking a seat on the ledge next to me.

"What is there to explain?" I asked, avoiding making eye contact.

"I know your mind may have gone to the worst scenario, but it really was nothing."

I looked up at him, even though my eyes were red and tear-filled.

"What do you mean?"

"It was just something that happened in the moment when class was dismissed early and we were alone in the courtyard. It's never happened before."

That was reassuring, as 'How long has this been going on?' was a thought that crossed my mind as I was running away.

"Just a few weeks ago, you said Remus meant nothing to you. I thought you were telling the truth, and I really thought you loved me." I told him.

"I did. I do." He clarified himself.

I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth anymore until I looked into his eyes. I trusted him.

"Nothing happened between me and Remus while you and I were together, I promise. Even when we weren't really together." He told me, referencing when Sirius and I were just a casual thing that happened in secret in between classes and after school.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yes. Duskridge, I swear to you, I would never lie to you or do anything to hurt you." He said, holding my hand. "I should have told you how I felt about Remus when we broke up, but I didn't and that's my fault. I'm really sorry."

"Fine. Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor." I told him jokingly.

"I'll take that." He laughed. "I don't even need your forgiveness, I just need to make sure you're okay."

"It's okay. I'm fine. We're fine. I'm honestly happy for you, if Remus is who makes you happy." I admitted.

Sirius let out a sigh of relief.

"So we're okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay." I smiled.

He leaned over and hugged me, his arms wrapped around me. My arms were practically glued to my sides, but I managed to free them enough to hug him back.

"Thank you." He whispered.

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a/n: So this is a chapter I've been excited to write for a while, and I'm actually happy with how it turned out, even though I had to change some things from my original plan.

I hope you liked it too. If you did, leave a vote and you can even check out my new story "Philophobia | Regulus Black", which I'm really excited to be writing. Bye :)

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