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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story.

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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"Fili" Tauriel muttered as suddenly, Bolg jumps out of a tunnel and kicks Tauriel into a rock

Seeing this, Fili angrily defeats his opponents and begins making his way toward her. Tauriel manages to slip out from Bolg's grasp and begins attacking him with her knife; he manages to grab both her arms and twists them, causing her to shriek in pain; he then smashes his fist down on her head, felling her. 

Thorin continues fighting orcs while Legolas helps. Kili rushes desperately as he hears Tauriel's groans. 

Bolg raises Tauriel up by the throat; she manages to kick him in the knee, causing him to fall. He grabs her and throws her bodily against a wall. As she lays stunned on the ground, he raises his mace for the Fill; suddenly, Fili leaps from a parapet onto him. They fight, and Fili manages to slash him, but Bolg grabs Fili by the head and raises the pointed base of his mace to stab him through the chest. Tauriel shout and jumps on Bolg from behind.


Bolg manages to throw her down again, and she can do nothing as Bolg raises his mace and plunges it through Fili's chest.


As Fili dies, he and Tauriel stare into each other's eyes; both of them are tearing up. Bolg drops Fili to the ground, dead. Tauriel's grief turns to anger, and she leaps onto Bolg as he approaches her. They are standing over the edge of a precipice, and Bolg tries to swing her out over the fall. She manages to hold on to him and kick off a stone, launching them both over the edge.

Meanwhile, Thorin manages to stab an orc in the knee; another orc rushes up and smashes into him, causing him to slide across the ice all the way to the edge of the waterfall, directly over Legolas and Bolg. 

Bolg knocks Legolas over, but as he raises his mace, Thorin manages to knock an orc over the edge of the waterfall; it lands on the bridge behind Bolg, breaking through the stones and causing him to fall under a pile of rubble. Another orc approaches Thorin, who is lying on his back, partially hanging over the edge of the waterfall, defenceless. As it raises its sword, Legolas manages to throw Orcrist into the orc's chest, killing it. As it falls over the edge, Thorin manages to reach out and grab the sword, saving it from going over.

Thorin, Bolg leaps out of the rubble and swings at Legolas, but Legolas dodges and pulls out his two knives, fighting Bolg with them. Thorin stands and looks in wonder at his blade come back to him; he looks up and sees Azog, alone, facing him. Thorin and Azog approach each other slowly; suddenly, a horn blows, and Azog smiles as a hill in the distance behind him becomes covered with approaching orc help.

 Azog charges forward and swings a large rock attached to a chain at Thorin, who ducks under it. As Azog is unbalanced by the swing, Thorin manages to get behind him and slash him. Azog angrily swings the rock at him again, and as Thorin dodges, the rock smashes into the ice, cracking it. 

Thorin and Azog fight, the ice continues cracking. They both pause for a second, then Azog swings again. This time, the ice actually begins to break apart beneath them. As Thorin stumbles over an edge of the ice, Azog manages to knock his legs out from under him with the chain. As Azog swings again, Thorin manages to roll away. He leaps behind Azog, who is off balance, and slashes him again. Azog angrily swings the rock and chain at Thorin, missing; this time, the rock becomes stuck in the ice, and Azog is forced to slash at Thorin with his bladed arm. 

Thorin suddenly throws his sword down. Reaching forward, he lifts the rock at the end of the chain and tosses it to Azog, who instinctively catches it. Azog looks at him in shock.

Thorin jumps backward, off the ice floe that they were both standing on; without his weight to balance it, and with Azog at the other end holding the rock, the ice floe tips over and plunges Azog into the water below. He scrabbles at the edge, but the chain pulls him down. Thorin pants in exhaustion.

Thorin bends down to pick up Orcrist, he sees Azog through the ice, being pulled slowly by the current toward the frozen waterfall. Thorin slowly walks above him, and they stare at each other through the ice. Azog closes his eyes. Suddenly, he opens them, and he manages to stab Thorin through the foot, through the ice, with his blade arm. He leaps through the ice and pins Thorin down. 

As he stabs his blade arm at Thorin, Thorin manages to stop it from piercing his chest by sliding Orcrist in one of the forks of the blade. Azog, using gravity and his superior weight and position, slowly pushes his blade further and further, and Thorin struggles to keep it away. As they stare at each other, Thorin suddenly slides his sword out of the fork, allowing Azog's blade to stab him through the chest. 

Azog smiles, Thorin raises his own sword and stabs Azog through the heart; from their close quarters, Azog cannot avoid it. 

Thorin flips Azog over onto his back on the ice and forces Orcrist all the way through Azog and through the ice below. Azog dies, with Thorin kneeling on top of him. Thorin, mortally wounded, struggles to get up. 

Thorin stumbles toward the edge of the frozen waterfall, looking out over the battlefield below, where the remaining orcs are being routed. Weak from his wound, he collapses on his back. Bilbo comes running up in surprise. 

"Bilbo..." Thorin turned to the hobbit as he crouched down next to him.

"Don't move, lie still" Bilbo whispered to him. 

"I'm glad you are here..." Thorin whispered, a weak smile on his face as Bilbo shushed him. "I wish to part from you in friendship"

"No, you are not going anywhere, Thorin. You are going to live," Bilbo told him with hope.

"Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees - watch them grow." He began to choke on his words. "If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place," He took his last breath.

"No! No! No! No! No! No! Thorin! Oh, don't you dare. Thorin, Thorin, wake up. The eagles...the eagles...the eagles are here. Thorin...the eag..." Bilbo began to cry 

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