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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only my OC character Nikoleva and her story

 I only my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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"More?" Bilbo whispered as he completely forgot about leaving the door open as he closed it and began to follow her to the kitchen. As he did, the doorbell rung yet again. The hobbit turned around and opened the door. There stood two younger dwarves, one with blonde hair and the other with dark brown.


"And Kili, at your service" The two bowed as kili grinned at him. "You must be Mr Boggins"

"Nope! You can't come in! You've come to the wrong house" He was quick to close the door, however Kili shout his hand out catching the frame. He pushed it open with a force that made Bilbo stumble back. 

"What? Has it been cancelled?" He looked to his brother as Fili's eyebrows knitted in confusion. 

"No one's told us" 

"No, nothing's being cancelled -" Bilbo said out of confusion. 

"Well, that's a relief" The brothers shared a laugh and forced themselves into the hobbit's home. Without warning, Fili dumped a pile of weapons into Bilbo's arms. "Careful with these. I just had them sharpened".

"It's nice this place" Kili stated, he too handing his weapons to Bilbo as he began to look around. "Did you do it yourself" 

"No it's been in the family for years" Bilbo answered as he looked at Kili who was scraping the bottom of his boots on a wooden box. "That's my mother's glory box! Can you please not do that?" 

"Fili, Kili" Dwalin entered the room. "Come on, give us a hand" 

"Mister Dwalin" Kili smiled at him, a feeling of warmth as he saw a familiar face. 

Balin entered after Dwalin as he gestured to a piece of furniture. "Let's shove this in the hallway, otherwise we'll never get everyone in." The dwarves prepare to shift Bilbo's furniture around to create a feasting place. 

"Everyone? How many are there?" 

The doorbell rings very hard and longer than before. Bilbo, in anger, walked quickly toward the door, dumping all the swords and other equipment in his arms along the way. "Oh no. No, no! There's nobody home. Go away, and bother somebody else. There's far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If- if- If this is some clotthead's idea of a joke, ha ha, I can only say, it is in very poor taste."

Bilbo opened the door, and an entire heap of dwarves, eight to be exact, fall in. Struggling to get up, they grumble and yell at each other. Gandalf is standing behind them with a pleased smile on his face. 

"Gandalf" He stated in an unamused tone. The dwarves picked themselves up from the floor and began to make their way to the others. Bilbo followed them to see them carrying plates and even more food to where they made a dining area. 

Destitute {the hobbit/Kili Durin}Where stories live. Discover now