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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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"Ime-vá gar farn" {We do not have enough} An elvish guard told Legolas pointing towards where Nikoleva stood, tied up.

"Pan-rya as-s, te-ent melda" {Put her with him, they are betrothed} Tauriel walked past them, signalling to Kili as she spoke and shoved Fili towards an open cell door.

"Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers," Fili smirked at her as she closed the door.

"Or nothing"

Nikoleva was pushed into the same cell as Kili as the bindings on her hands were taken off. "IS this some kind of torture for calling you a princess?" She called out as the barred door was closed. 

"Nalyë as-s melda ië en-farn?" {You are with your betrothed, is that not enough?} He asked as she let out a groan and kicked the stone wall. 

"I will kill you, you and your kin!" She slid down the wall so that she was sitting on the floor and looked forward. Kili sat in front of her with a lopsided smile. 

"You are trying to get away from me?" He gasped and put his hand on his heart. "I am not that bad am I?" 

"You are insufferable," She replied as they sat in silence in the slightly lightened cell. The light that seeped through shone against her eyes, making them almost grey like and cold. "What?" She snapped looking to see him staring at her. 


"You are staring, master dwarf" 

"I was admiring" He answered cheekily. 

"That is staring... You were what?" 

He let out a chuckle as she glared at his foolishness. It was in this time when she truly noticed who he really was. Reckless, foolish, brave, strong and admirable. 

"I have a question," He started as he started to get comfortable on the floor and cross his legs over each other. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow as if to say 'continue'. "Why is whenever someone shows you kindness, you push them away" 

She tensed slightly and straightened her back. 

"Sorry... I didn't mean -" 

"I have never had someone show me kindness before, I guess I am not used to it" She answered as a frown fell onto his face. 

"What do you mean, you said your mother -" 

He was cut off again as she pulled the ring off her finger, showing it to him fully. "It was never hers, it was my fathers. It is like a beacon. If orcs or a great danger is near - it glows. It is not elvish made so do not ask" 

"I was not going to, It suits you well with the whole brooding murderer look" She chuckled as he said this and a genuine smile spread across her lips. "You smiled! I made you smile!" He exclaimed. 

"Do not tell a soul" She warned, as he put his hands up in mock surrender. 

Thranduil walked around the dwarven king, glaring as he stood to face down at him. "Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand. A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon" His piercing glare not leaving the face of Thorin. "I myself suspect a more prosaic motive, attempted burglary or something of that ilk," He gilded down to Thorin's height with a smirk.

"You have found a way in. You seek, which would bestow upon you the right to rule. the king's jewel," He taunted. "The Arkenstone, it is precious to you beyond measure. I understand that, there are gems that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help," Thranduil offered, backing away slightly and awaiting his answer.

Thorin smiled as the king's offer piqued his interest. "I am listening"

"I will let you go, if you but return what is mine," The elven king answered.

Thorin turned away, facing the wooden halls and pathways below. "A favour for a favour"

"You have my word. One king to another" Thorin scoffed at his words, his face looking angered.

"I would not trust, Thranduil. The great king! To honour his word! Should the end of all days be upon us! You!" He turned and faced him with fury and fire in his eyes. "Who lack all honour! I have seen how you treat your friends! We came to you once; starving, homeless, seeking your help. And you turned your back. You turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us. Imrid umrad ursul" {Die a death of flames} He shouted, cursing at the elven king before him.

Thranduil stepped away from his throne and went face to face with Thorin. "Do not speak to me of dragon fire!" He hissed as the side of his face peeled, becoming distorted and scared from burns. "I know its wrath and ruin... I have faced the great... serpents of the north" As he took a step away from him, his face became normal.

"I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon, but he would not listen," Thranduil walked up to his throne, staying on the steps and looking at Thorin. "Stay here if you will and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I am patient. I can wait" He motioned for the guards to take him away and with great struggle as the dwarven king's want to be free they dragged him away to the dungeons.

"Did they offer you a deal?" Balin asked when he saw that Thorin was back in his cell.

"He did. I told him he can Ish kakhfê ai'd dur rugnu! Him and all his kin!" {Spit upon your grave} He shouted, glaring out of the bars.

In frustration, Balin closed his eyes and sighed wearily. "Well that's that then, the deal was our only hope"

"Not our only hope" Thorin answered looking out to the sky through the cell door. 

"That is to say if the hobbit is not dead already" Nikoleva called out as the dwarves started to shout curses at her. "What? It is not as if you know where he is" She told them as they started to grumble. 

"Come with me" Legolas appeared at the cell door, with a bundle of rope in his hands. "The king would like to speak to you" 

"Oh great, You hear that" She turned her head to Kili with a smirk. "Princess senior wants to talk!" She exclaimed causing him and some of the other dwarves to choke out laughs. 

"Take her" Two elvish guards also came into view and opened the cell door, one pulled her out, and the other closed the door to make sure Kili did not escape. 

"I thought it was just going to be me and daddy dearest, not the whole guard" She signalled her thumb to where more guards awaited as she chuckled. 

Legolas let out a sigh and bound her hands together before pushing her forward. "You will address him as 'My Lord' "He hissed into her ear. 

"Did not think he was into that... Kinky" 

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