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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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"I do not know either, but I do know that you will die" Nikoleva stood on top of the boulder, both of her swords in her hands that were extremely sharp and stained with the blood of her victims. 

"It's a woman!" One of the trolls squealed. 

"I am not just a woman" She stood in the light of the sky. "Time to die" 

"Not her!" 

She cried out as she jumped onto the nearest troll to her And sliced at its neck, letting the dark liquid run down its torso. The troll squealed and tried to throw her off, but she used the blade in her left arm to cut it down, making a perfect incision. 

"Don't just stand there! Get her!" The two trolls charged forward as she jumped off Bert's back and onto the floor. She twirled the swords that were splattered with fresh blood in her hands before charging at them again, blood splattered across her hood. She hacked at their legs, creating deep wounds as William swiped his arm at her causing her to collide with a tree a far distance away. 

"See, she's weak, unlike the stories!" Tom laughed as she stood up with a menacing smile. 

"Am I?" She threw her sword forward, watching as it embedded itself into Tom's head. She jumped forward, pulling it out and jumped upwards onto the boulder.

"What she going to do now?" Bert whimpered looking to William as she smirked. 

"Oh, I am not going to do anything. You are not worth my time. But he is" 

The crowd looked at her in confusion as Gandalf appeared next to her. "The dawn will take you all!" 

"Who's that?" 

"Can we eat him too?" 

The base of his staff slammed against the rock and with the force, it cracked down the middle. Sunlight immediately streamed through the gap as the remaining two trolls screamed in agony from the sudden light. Their bodies began to stiffen as they slowly turned to stone. The company watched in surprise and shock before laughing at their luck that they were not going to be eaten. 

"Oh, get your foot out of my back!" Dwalin cried out from his place on the turning log over the fire. 


The dwarves began to help themselves out of the sacks, before some helped the dwarves off from the log upon the fire. Nikoleva jumped down from the boulder, the bloodied swords that were in her hands were soon put in the sheaths and under her hood, her blood splattered face held a smirk as she watched some of the remaining dwarves struggle to get out of the sacks. 

"Well, that was thrilling," She muttered as she walked over to the pile of weapons and began to pass them to their accustomed owners. "I believe these are yours" She handed Kili his bow and arrows and dwarven made sword as she turned to face him. He had a look of wonder and adoration on his face as he took them from her. 

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