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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story.

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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"Well he is dead, now" Nikoleva stated, looking back to the town as the boat neared closer to the shore along with rubble from the town and other survivors. 

The group gave her a look as Tilda held onto Sigrid, crying for her father. 

"The dragon" Nikoleva clarified. "Your father and brother are fine... I think" She added only to get punched in the shoulder by Kili who gave her a glare. "What?" 

She jumped out of the boat, soon followed by the others as they started to walk onto the shore. On the banks of the lake are refugees and wreckage from Laketown. People are screaming and crying, and some of the wooden things are on fire. There are dead bodies washed up on the shore. Alfrid comes crawling up out of the water, screaming. 

"Help me! Help me!" He clambers over a dead body, only to realize that the person is still alive. Alfrid rolls over him into the water, screaming. "HELP ME!" 

"Come, we will look for your father and brother" Tauriel told Sigrid and Tilda as they walked away from the others. 

Kili was going to speak when he was pushed to the ground by Nikoleva. In a fast motion, she picked up a wet rag from the ground and ran towards the incoming burning woman. 



She tackled the woman to the floor and spread the wet cloth on her. Luckily she was only burning on her arms that would have soon spread across her body, so she was breathing, but in immense pain. Nikoleva jumped away from her once the flames were gone and stumbled back onto the ground as she held onto her own arm. 

Kili rushed forward as the other dwarves were standing next to the boat with concerned looks on their faces. A few of the people from laketown went to check on the woman. 

"Why would you do that?" Kili asked her concerned as she began to stand again. 

"I- I was saving you," She answered, confused as to what she was feeling. "Are you alright?" She asked trying to change the subject. 

"I am not the one who tackled a burning woman to the ground, let me see" He grabbed her arm which he had seen on fire. He watched as there was no burn, nor cloth tearing away. 

"Dragon skin, lightweight and protects you from fire" She told him as she pulled her arms away.

His eyes widened slightly. "I was not talking about the burn" Kili muttered as he followed next to her to the boat where the others were waiting.  

"You could've died, lass. What were you thinking?" Bofur asked as he looked at her as if she was crazy. 

"I do not know" Nikoleva replied, utterly confused with herself as to why she did what she did. 

Fili started to walk away from the company and began to walk towards Tauriel who was staring off into the water. "Tauriel" 

"Fili, come on. We're leaving!" Kili shouted to his brother as he and Nikoleva started to help prepare the boat. 

"They are your people, you must go" Tauriel replied as she looked at him both sadly and guardedly, then walks past him. Fili looks distraught for a second, then whirls around to face her again.

"Come with me. I know how I feel; I'm not afraid. You make me feel alive." He said with a smile as she turned away from him.

"I can't" 

He reached out and grabbed her arm. "Tauriel, amralime" 

Tauriel looked at him shocked and surprised before answering. "I do not know what you mean" 

"I think you do" He smiled. 

Tauriel smiles and begins to lean toward Fili, but then suddenly straightens up and makes her face blank. "Hîr nín, Legolas" {My lord, Legolas} She addressed the blonde standing behind her. 

"Maewado i Naug. Boe i nadh egeno" {Take your leave, dwarf. You are needed elsewhere} He glared coldly down at the dwarf as Tauriel began to turn around towards him. 

Fili sadly nodded and turned toward the group launching the boat. He suddenly pauses, then turns around and hurries back to Tauriel. He takes her hand and places his black stone into it, folding her fingers closed over it. She gasps and looks at him as he gets close to her face and holds her hands to his heart.

"Keep it, as a promise" 

They smile at each other, then he runs toward the boat. Legolas looks on, confused. Tauriel looks down at the stone in her hand, then looks after Fili and the others in the boat; her eyes are wet. Fili looks back at her for several moments, then begins rowing. 

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