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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story.

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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"Thranduil! This is madness!" Gandalf called out, as he watched Nikoleva flip over multiple orcs, cutting their heads off. 

She was being surrounded, the dwarves nowhere to be seen.

Thranduil looked back at the Iron Hills dwarves, who have stopped and built a shield wall with their massive spears pointed outward, led by the chants of the leader. The orcs are fast approaching the shield wall. Suddenly, right as the Orcs reach the dwarves, the Elves leap up over the shield wall from behind, wielding their swords, and begin raining down blows on the Orcs.

As the Elves press forward, the dwarvish shield wall is raised and the dwarves rush forward, cutting down Orcs with their spears. Dain rides furiously through the Orcs, smashing them left and right with his hammer.

"Send in the war beasts" Azog ordered, eyeing the black eyed executioner.

The wooden signalling devices change their position to show a new signal. Gandalf, seeing the signal, looks toward the tunnels to see new legions of Orcs, including massive trolls and other monsters, come out. Thranduil shouts to his troops, ordering in elvish. The Mirkwood archers rally their bows and let streams of arrows fly towards the orc army. 

Nikoleva ducked and manoeuvred over a few that headed in her direction. "Honour that you finally joined us!" She spat, shouting over the war cries as she caught slashed an arrow away. 

Thranduil turned to her as he saw her black eyes, his own widening in surprise. 

"They cannot fight on two fronts, now we make our move. Attack the city!" Azog shouted as massive trolls, each large enough to carry multiple other dwarves and wooden structures such as catapults on their back, march toward the city along with the armies of Orcs.

"Dragon killer! Tell your people to fall back to the city!" Nikoleva shouted as she ducked to avoid an incoming blow, before hoisting herself up on to one of the catapults that were aiming towards the city. 

"All of you! Fall back to Dale now!" Bard called to his small amount of fighters as numerous mountain trolls appeared, loading the catapults and aiming for the city.

"To the city! This way Bilbo!" Gandalf shouted to the hobbit as they both ran towards Dale. 

She leapt from one wooden plank to another as she hacked at the orcs stationed on each. Pulling herself onto the highest one, she jumped off it and landed on a troll's head, sticking her two swords into its head. She held her position as it fell to the ground - dead - before rolling off it and heading into Dale. 

More monstrous trolls approach the city and stop at a rise overlooking Dale. They bend over and plant all four legs on the ground, thus making their backs horizontal. On their backs are catapults loaded with large rocks; orcs on the trolls' backs wind up the gears of the catapults. At a signal from their leader orc, who strikes the ground with his mace, the catapults are released, and the rocks fly toward Dale.

They smashed into the walls and towers, destroying everything they hit. As Bard, at the front of his army, rides across a bridge into Dale, the Orc army approach the wall from another area. A troll with a giant triangle-shaped rock strapped to his head runs up to the wall and smashes into it head first, knocking it down and knocking himself out in the same motion.

The orcs behind him rush into the city through the hole, entering the houses and killing whatever people they find. Soon, they were ambushed by the lake men who were all armed. 

Nikoleva ran around a corner, not far from the numerous orcs, and looked for a high advantage point as she sheathed her swords. She grabbed onto her bow and spotted a gap in a tall building that was slightly damaged. 

She noticed a broken stall and ran up to it, pushing her feet off the broken wood, and jumped onto it. She landed on the smoothed out ledge and wobbled slightly as it broke off at the edge. Nikoleva crouched down and nocked arrow after arrow, firing them at the incoming orcs. 

Once she was almost out of arrows, she jumped down and pulled out both of her swords again - glancing towards the mountain for a second before fighting. 

"Can you handle this?" She shouted over to no one in particular as she joined the men. 

"Aye, where will you go?" A voice belonging to Bard replied. 

"To settle a debt" She replied as she, once again, cut through the orc ranks as she headed towards the courtyard. 

As more and more orcs and trolls enter the city, Thranduil rides his elk into the city by crossing one of the bridges. As he crosses, his elk tramples many orcs. The elk lowers its horns and spears five orcs at the same time, lifting them up so that Thranduil can behead all of them with one swing of his sword.

As they thunder into the city, the elk is killed by multiple Orc arrows to the chest. As it falls, Thranduil leaps clear and rolls. He comes up from his roll to find himself surrounded by orcs. He pulls out both his sword and begins fighting them, soon reinforced by his elven foot troops.

"Elfie!" Nikoleva called as she cut the heads off two orcs. "Thorin?" She questioned. 

Thranduil all but shook his head as the two began fighting side by side. A most unexpected alliance. 

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