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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story.

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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Nikoleva urged her horse forward as she and Thorin, soon followed by the chariot, crashed into the waiting orcs. Slashing and cutting them down. Arrows flew into the chests and heads of numerous orcs from Dwalin who manned the onboard crossbow, shouting out numerous insults.

"Watch out!" Kili cried out as trolls were charging towards the chariot, making Balin turn swiftly and sharply to avoid them.

"Bring it down!" Dwalin shouted as a mountain troll followed the chariot into the iced over river. It broke through it and started to charge after them in the ice. "In his jam bags!"

"It doesn't have any jam bags" Kili replied with an amusing smile causing Nikoleva to snort. 


Bofur appeared out from the hill on top of a blind troll. He held chains in his hands, controlling the beast's every movement. "Hang on, lads! I'm coming!" He fought against the troll using the one he was riding on, letting the others get away.

"Bofur you beauty!" Fili screamed at him as the other dwarves cheered and laughed.

Thorin took charge, waiting for the others at the rocky slope as he cut down even more orcs.

Nikoleva turned back and followed after the chariot, killing the orcs that came in her way. In the chariot, Dwalin resumed using the crossbow to shoot down another goblin that was raising a bridge. Then from the corner, two wargs appeared, each taking a ram for themselves. Devouring them as the chariot moved on, the wheels squeaking as they manoeuvred round a corner. 

"Kili!" Nikoleva called as she landed on the ice in front of the orcs, the horse she was on standing on the hill. "When I tell you to move back, move!" She ordered as she stood on her horse, pulling out her bow and two arrows. She nocked them both and fired them at the wargs. The two fell dead and she turned to the chariot. "Now!" 

Kili moved back confused and certainly not expecting her to jump on next to him. 

"There's more coming!" Dwalin warned them before he turned to Balin. "We're pulling too much weight. We won't make it"

"I am offended" Nikoleva fake gasped as she shot another eyebrow. 

"Not you lass, you barely make a difference," Balin smiled at her.

"Barely!?" She questioned causing Kili and Fili to let out a chuckle. 

"Cut the tracers" Balin told him and Dwalin looked at him. "Ride them to Ravenhill"

"No, Balin" The tattooed dwarf shook his head. 

Fili, Kili, Nikoleva and Dwalin mounted on the rams, cutting them loose from the mechanism and chains before riding forward to join Thorin.

"This way!" He shouted, The four looked to see Thorin riding along a bridge. One by one, they mounted off their rides, abandoning them as they stopped upon a snowy plain on Ravenhill.

Orcs emerged, unnoticed by the dwarves, but Nikoleva stepped forwards and lunged at them. She manoeuvred around one, slashing its neck before stabbing the other two. "You took your time" She directed that towards Thorin as she killed the remaining orcs. 

"I must apologize, I should not have treated you the way I did" 

Nikoleva shrugged and walked over to them, blood splattered across her face. The company could now clearly see the cuts on her face and the minor wounds on her arms. "No need to apologize, you were not in control".

Legolas and Tauriel arrive back in Dale together on a horse; they charged through the streets, killing orcs on their way. They come to where Gandalf is standing. They mounted of the horse and approached the wizard.


"Legolas!" Gandalf looked at him in relief. "Legolas Greenleaf!"

"There is a second army. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs, they are almost upon us," Legolas informed him as Gandalf looked around, realization appearing on his face.

"Gundabad. This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces from the south and then Blog sweeps in from the north"

"The north?" Bilbo asked, looking around, "Where is the north exactly?"


Bilbo followed the wizard's gaze and his eyes widened. "Thorin is up there, Fili, Kili, Dwalin and Nikoleva. They're all up there"

Legolas' eyes widened slightly, and Tauriel's at the sound of Fili's name.. They both looked at each other with determination and worry.

In Ravenhill, the group fight off the remaining orcs before all falls silent.

"Where is he?" Kili asked, looking upon the abandoned post. "It looks empty. I think Azog has fled"" 

"No" The elleth shook her head and look around her. "Azog the Defiler is too cunning for that. He will be watching, waiting. Waiting for the right moment to strike". 

Thorin nodded at her before looking to Fili. "She is right. Fili, take your brother and scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see anything, report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?" 

"Did you not hear me?" Nikoleva questioned, stepping in front of the younger dwarves. "It is too dangerous" 

"They will be fine, if they stay out of sight. Go!" Thorin insisted and Fili and Kili walked off, but Nikoleva caught Kili's arm.

"If you see a raven feather, do not continue" She gave him a look and he nodded, unsure as to what was so dangerous and threatening about a raven feather before walking off with his brother. 

"We have company. Goblin mercenaries, no more than a hundred" Dwalin said coming up next to Thorin.

"Are you ready for a dance?" Nikoleva asked them, twirling her sword between her hands. Though the two dwarves did not miss the weary look she had on her face ever since Fili and Kili had left. 

"Don't mind if I do" Thorin answered as the three of them prepared for the goblins to near. 

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