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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story.

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


The master of Laketown decided to host a celebration in the great hall for his future wealth that would be invested to him - If Thorin keeps his word. 

"To the King under the Mountain!" 

The people of lake town danced and sung at the news as the company were place on a long table in the middle of it all. the dwarves drunk as much as they could hold, but even then they were convinced that they were still sober. Thorin sat at the head of the table with a mug of ale in his hand as he watched the people that were surrounding him. 

"No one is going to kill you here" Nikoleva told him as she sat opposite Dwalin, she held her own mug of ale and her smoking pipe in her hands. 

"People are easy deceivers" Thorin answered as he moved the mug to his lips and took a drink out of it. 

"That they are, Thorin, that they are," She nodded her head towards him before walking away from the table and finding the bar as she downed the rest of her drink. "Another!" 

The barmaid nodded and took the empty mug from her and filled it up with the brownish liquid. She gave it back to her with an easy smile as she noticed the sword on Nikoleva's back which the elf had retrieved from the floor hours ago. 

"Always got be prepared" Nikoleva told her as she took the mug from her and started to drink from it before standing up and walking out of the hall. She stopped at the entrance as a gust of cold air hit her. She walked away from the building and started to venture upon the walkways of Esgaroth. 

"You have not gone mad yet," A voice called out as a hooded figure dropped from one of the roofs behind her. "I would have thought that Esgaroth would be a bloodbath by now" 

"Never knew you could fail at making jokes, Nikolai" She turned around to see his sickening smirk as he walked up to her, a weighed down bag in his hands. "You have been following us" 

"I have" He smirked as he threw the bag at her, to which she caught. "The armoury guards of Mirkwood send their regards" 

She opened it and laughed when she saw the remaining items of her weaponry and the company's swords, axes, daggers and bows. "The only reason that you would give us the weapons back is if something is coming, what is it?" She asked as she started to arm herself.

She looked at him again as she finally fastened her quiver onto her back, she then closed the bag, his face faltering slightly. "The pack of orcs that hunted you to Mirkwood, they will be here by nightfall tomorrow. As much as I hate the dwarves, they need to be alive and not dead when they reach Erebor. 

"I guess I should thank you for them" Nikolai stalked up to her and lifted her chin up with his finger. 

"You never apologize, even if it is for someone else. He is changing you" 


He let out a laugh at her confusion. "The dwarven archer, you forget that I have stalked you all since the shire. That dwarven prince has always stared at you" 

"That is funny" She pointed at him with her hand that held the mug of ale. "You're funny" 

"I am just saying that I have eyes and it seems that you do not" He looked at her before whistling, a sound of hooves grew closer as a dark brown coloured horse approached and stopped next to him. 

"Vaeril. He came to you?" She asked as she walked up to her horse, unstrapping a large satchel from its side.

"Your horse ventured towards where I met the orcs, I watered him and fed him so you should be grateful" 

"I will be grateful once we win this war," Nikoleva told him as she hoisted the weapons over her shoulder and used her left hand to pass the mug of ale to him and to hold the other bag. "You should go, before you get seen. Take Vaeril with you, I am staying with the company and I do not think that he would like to venture into water" 

"Very well, but make sure you leave -"

"Tomorrow morning. We already are because otherwise we will run out of time" 

"Ah, yes" Nikolai mounted onto Vaeril. "Durin's Day. Well I hope to see you on the battlefield" 

"We will be fighting on opposite sides" As she said this he nodded and rode in the opposite direction. "Oh, come on!" She exclaimed as she forgot that she had passed her mug of ale to Nikolai. 

She sighed as she started to make it back to the great hall, with the two bags in her grasp. 

"Those aren't dead bodies, are they?" Kili asked her as he stepped away from the great hall - he seemed to have been waiting there. 

"Nope, think of it as a present" She lowered the bag full of weapons onto the floor and opened it, showing it to him. "It seems that I had allies in Mirkwood after all" 

He stared at the wide eyes and he picked his own sword from the pile. "What? How?" 

"Trust me, you do not want to know" She nodded at him as a smile appeared on is face. "You should give those to the company, they will be more assured in their with their own weapons at their sides." 

"Maybe my uncle will trust you more" Kili told as her as he lifted the bag up and watched as she sat down on the bench. 

"Oh, you should tell Thorin that Orcrist was not found there" He nodded at her and started to walk away before turning around. "Will you not join us?"

"I think I will stay out here, join your kin" 

"Will you, for me? I think Gloin wants to challenge you to a drinking game" The dwarven prince smirked at her as she stood up. 

"Fine. Only because I want to see his face when he loses" 

Destitute {the hobbit/Kili Durin}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin