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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story.

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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Later on that evening Thorin ordered the company to search for the Arkenstone, that had not been "Found" By Bilbo who was originally sent looking for it. They were scattered amongst the vast land of gold, all wanting to find the King's jewel. 

Nikoleva was aimlessly wandering around, kicking random jewels as she rolled her eyes at Thorin's shouting and orders. 

"Anything sign of it?" Thorin's voice bellowed throughout the halls, causing the dwarves and Bilbo to look up from their searching towards him standing on a balcony staircase. He was dressed in ornate robes that he had found in his old chambers. 

"Nothing yet" 

"Nothing here" 

"Keep searching" The dwarven king snapped. 

Nikoleva rolled her eyes and kicked a pile of gold coins, the noise echoing. "That thing could be anywhere" She hissed in an aggravated tone. 

"The Arkenstone is in these halls. Find it!" He shouted at her from a far distance away. 

"You heard him! Keep Looking!" 

"All of you! No one rests until it is found!" 

The company continued looking further, all but Nikoleva who effortlessly slipped away, since she was searching out of seeing distance, down one of the many passages and was of course noticed by everyone. 

"I didn't join this quest to search for a petty jewel". She sauntered down it, swinging one of her many daggers in her hands, as she rolled her eyes at the intricate detail of dwarvish runes that were carved into the stone walls. It must have been hours since she had abandoned the company as the air grew colder and the light dimmed darker. 

She passed a room that the door had been broken and was unhinged, a slight warm light infusing the room. With her curiosity getting the better of her, she removed the broken door from her path and leaned it against the wall - careful not to make a too much noise. 

The room was much larger than expected and held various paintings across the walls, all with engravings underneath them. 

The brunette walked further in, looking at the paintings and reading the names of who they were - instantly noting the similarities in appearance and name. The Durin line. 






That is when she stopped. She tilted her head, looking at the painted canvas with slightly widened eyes. "Thrain II, son of Thror. Fallen in the Battle of Azanulbizar" She read from the carved dwarvish underneath it. 

"At least it could be accurate" She muttered as she began to walk out of the room, a memory sinking its way into her head. 


Another pained scream echoed through the dark hallways of the dungeons in Dol Guldur as Nikoleva once again threw an orc blade at the dented wall in annoyance. "Will you be fucking quiet!" She hissed, loud enough for whatever it was to shut up. 

But then again the same noise echoed again causing her to stand up, picking up the blade in the process and walk down the hallway. "Be quiet! You are going to start to wake the dead," She glared through the small gap in the cell door. Nikoleva couldn't see through the small gap and was going to kick it down when a figure crept up behind her, holding a dagger to her neck. 

"I would advise doing that" Nikolai hissed as she turned to face him, her blade at his neck and his at hers. 

"Why? Who is it?" She demanded. 

"Someone who is known to be dead" He replied, pulling his dagger away and leaning against the wall - gesturing to the cell. "But, by all means" 

She glared at him again before pulling her hood up - concealing her identity - and kicking the door down, causing a strange noise come out from whatever was kept in there. 

"Have you come to torture me again?" A strained voice groaned out as she stepped further into the darkened room. The figure becoming clear. It was a grey haired dwarf, covered in old and new scars - blood dripping from the new ones.

She stared at him confused, but realized he was one of Azog's prisoners. "What is your name?" She simply asked causing the dwarf to look at her with fear and confusion. 

"Wh- What?" 

"Your name" 

"Thrain, m- my lady" She scoffed at his stuttering answer and used her free hand to reach for a small dagger. she gripped it in her hand and stalked towards him. Nikoleva knelt down and dragged the sharp blade against his cheek. He was too weak to fight back causing her to laugh and push it in deeper, causing him to cry out in pain. 

"Take this as a warning, Thrain"  She pulled the blade back and stuck it into his thigh. "Stop screaming for someone to come help you, otherwise you will be screaming from underneath an unmarked grave in the middle of Mordor!" She hissed and walked away, smirking to Nikolai who raised an eyebrow. 

"I think he understood you when you struck his face," He told her with a sinister smirk, looking past her at the bleeding dwarf.

"And now he understands that I will bury him alive" 


"Fuck" She muttered as she brought herself out of the memory and laughed at her fortune. "Of course I meet Thorin's father and partially torture him" 

The brunette looked around, seeing if anyone had heard her, but she was alone. Only the souls of the dead dwarves did. 

Destitute {the hobbit/Kili Durin}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora