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I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

 I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story

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Bard glared at her before walking off.

"Shh, what's he doing?" Dwalin hushed them.

Bilbo, who had a hole that was in clear line of where Bard was standing, looking through it. "He's talking to someone," He looked again to see Bard pointing right at the barrels. "And... He's pointing right at us... Now they're shaking hands!".


"That villain! He's selling us out"

All the company in their individual barrels listen anxiously; suddenly, dead fish are poured into the barrels. The group splutter in surprise.

"Oh, god"

"I'm going to be sick" 

Bard began to pole his barge toward the gate of the city; on deck are the 14 barrels all full of fish, with a dwarf, dwelf or hobbit inside as well. "Quiet!" He kicked the barrel closest to him, which happened to be Dwalin's. "We're approaching the toll-gate"

The boat was manoeuvred throughout the water before it stopped again before a small wooden hut, where an elderly voice cried out. "Halt! Good's inspection"

The gatekeeper steps out, and his eyes widened in surprise and somewhat relief. "Papers please. Oh, it's you Bard"

"Morning, Percy" Bard greeted him.

"Anything to declare?" Percy asked Bard as he watched him walk over with papers in his hands.

"Nothing, but that I am cold and tired, and ready for home" Bard handed the parchment to him.

"You and me both" The gatekeeper took the papers and went into his office to stamp them, Bard looked around warily.

"Here we are, all in order" He held out Bard's papers, but a man, Alfrid, suddenly stepped out of the shadows and grabbed the papers.

"Not... So... Fast," A greasy haired man appeared, glaring at Bard with wide eyes. "Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland's realm, only they aren't empty barrels, are they Bard? If I remember correctly. You're listened as a bargeman, not a fisherman" He picked up a fish from one of the barrels and shoved it in Bard's face.

"That's none of your business," Bard answered.

"Wrong. It's the master's business, which makes it my business" The man urged closer to bard and I stepped forward making the group look at me. 

"If it is the master's business, where is he? Did he die from eating all the towns' food, or did the people get tired of him and drowned him?" Nikoleva stepped forward, causing Alfrid to smirk and laugh. 

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