Maxson Acts Stupid, Motherly F!Sole Says Go to Your Room, and He Obeys

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Cait - *laughs like crazy* "Yeah, ye better listen to yer mummy, ye big galoot!" 

Piper - "Blue, you're a miracle worker.... You've got to tell me your secret! I can never get Nat to go to her room!"

Curie - "Oh, goodness.... He is the... How you say? Man-child??? Or was that an incorrect use of the term...?"

MacCready - "You're actually going to your room? What are you? Five? Heh, heh... Wait... What?! F!Sole, you can't just... Fine, I'll go to my room..."

Deacon - "Wow... You think you could get Glory under your thumb like that? It'd help the folks back at HQ bigtime if you could pull that off."

Codsworth - "Goodness, Mum... I never thought I'd see the day that you'd make a grown man go to time out... But I suppose it is not too much different than the times you made sir sleep on the couch."

Hancock - *grins smugly* "That's right, little man, head to time out and think about your wrongdoings." 

Danse - "Soldier, that's... That's not proper for a junior officer to address a high-ranking official with such disrespect. I am surprised he is not taking serious disciplinary action toward you."

Preston - "Wow... I knew you were a good leader, but I didn't know you could tell the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel what to do."

Valentine - "Well, kid, I didn't think I'd ever see the day that somebody told Maxson what to do..."

X6-88 - "You have suddenly earned an even greater respect from me."

Dogmeat - Is really glad that she is not talking to him in that tone of voice. He knows she sounds really disappointed and upset and he does not want to ever make her feel that way toward him. So he sits next to her and licks her hand, sniffing it gently.

Strong - "Ha, ha, ha, tiny human tell dumb man what to do!!! Ha, ha!!!!"


Haylen - "How did you do that?! Maxson's always about only taking commands if they're from higher ranking officers. You must be a real man-whisperer, huh?"

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