F!Sole Has Long Day and Just Shaves Her Head

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Cait - "A lil' bit drastic for one long day, dontcha think? But it suits you."

Piper - "Well, Blue... If anyone could pull bald and beautiful off, I guess it'd about have to be you."

Curie - "Hmm.... This is certainly unexpected... Did you donate your hair for the people to make a wig from it?"

MacCready - "I've heard of washing the day's troubles away, but I've never heard of shaving them away..."

Deacon - "Wow... Now we're totally like the Bobbsey twins. But without hair... Wait, we're the baldy twins!"

Codsworth - "Nice new haircut, Mum! Did you pay a visit to the beauty shop?"

Hancock - "Now we match... But one thing's for sure. Your shiny head's certainly way prettier than mine could ever be."

Danse - "Outstanding. Now you look like a true military official from Pre-War times." 

Preston - "General... That's... certainly an interesting new look for you."

Valentine - "A real bold decision, kid. I reckon now you can enjoy the breeze in a whole new way. My only recommendation is that you make sure to wear a hat. Sometimes when radstorms come in, the sun and the radiation together can do a real number on bare skin that is not used to it."

X6-88 - "You actually hold a close resemblance to a courser. I like this new look quite a bit indeed."

Dogmeat - Loves her no matter what her hair looks like, and he is just as happy as she can be as long as she is pleased with things. He actually likes that he has more room to lick her face and head now.

Strong - "Now tiny human look like super-mutant! Tiny human no need hair! It just get in way when fighting!"

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