Child F!Sole Finding Giant Amount of Sweets at Midnight and Getting Sugar High

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Cait - Is ready to strangle her when the kid starts bouncing on her bed and she almost hits her in the middle of her sleep, thinking that she is some sort of enemy trying to attack. However, as soon as she realizes what's up, she tells F!Sole to not eat any more sweets and wait for this high to wear off. She tells her to bounce off the walls in a corner and to go back to bed when she's through acting nuts. Cait just does not want her bothering her anymore.

Piper - Is suddenly and terrifyingly awoken by both Nat and F!Sole who are very excitedly jumping on her bed and loudly singing their own version of "Pistol Packin' Mama" in which every time the word "mama" is uttered, it is the name "Piper" instead. She immediately recognizes the behavior and knows they've gotten into sweets. She handles it really calmly until she realizes that it was her sweets that they raided. Then she scolds them and tells them to get to bed, terribly unhappy that her stash is all gone.

Curie - Is really quite surprised when the girl awakens her in the middle of the night acting like a total fruitcake. However, when Curie understands what is going on, Curie is a little flustered about the entire thing, and she gently scolds the girl and explains that sweets are bad for her teeth and now she will have to brush her teeth again before going back to bed. Curie mostly just hovers over her until she gets tired, and Curie insists upon her brushing her teeth before going to sleep. When she's finally done, Curie tucks her in and kisses her forehead.

MacCready - When she wakes him up and he finds out what's happening with her, he is only irritated by the fact that she did not share any of the candy with him. However, when she says that she saved a little, he is really excited and is acting just as childish as her about it. They both act as silly as can be and jump on the beds, enjoying the candy way too much. He definitely acts way too immature and might even get them both into trouble.

Deacon - Somehow does not wake up the entire time that she is acting insane after finding all of the sweets and pigging out on them, but the next morning, he does wake up to a newfound pencil mustache crudely drawn on his face. He is not overly bothered by it, but he does tell her that if she gets into sweets again, make sure it's during the day so he can help her do all the crazy things that she pulled the previous night. He has several pranks in mind.

Codsworth - Is very shocked to suddenly see her practically fly past him at the speed of light. However, he quickly recovers and takes off after her, explaining to her that she really should be in bed. He fusses over her and tries to keep an eye on her while her sugar high runs its course. When she finally runs out of energy, he gently leads her to her bed and tucks her in carefully, chastising her very lightly about eating sweets at such a late hour.

Hancock - Was out cold the entire time that she was getting into the sweets and starting up insane antics. He had gotten high when she had supposedly went to bed and had ended up passing out on the couch. However, he was really disoriented when he woke up the next morning because she had practically turned the entire place upside down from all of her pilfering and jumping around. He was not upset about it, though, and he just made sure that the girl had not gotten into anything she should not have *cough* his chems *cough*. But when he realizes she did not ingest anything harmful, he is relieved and just makes a mental note to hide his chems better.

Danse - As soon as he wakes up and realizes that she is very crazily singing all manners of songs with the Pip-Boy on her arm that is playing Diamond City radio, he is completely bewildered and confused. When he figures out what happened, he sternly tells her to run laps around the building until the sugar rush has worn off. He is pretty grumpy about being woken up, and when she finally comes back, completely exhausted, he tells her to get in bed and to leave sweet treats for the next day.

Preston - Somehow sleeps through it, and the next morning, he finds a disaster. The place is wrecked from her jumping around and acting crazy and he honestly thinks that it had been destroyed by a deathclaw. However, when he sees her passed out in the middle of the floor with a small mountain of wrappers near her and his Minuteman hat on top of her head, he knows exactly what happened. He just shakes his head and takes his hat off of her head before resolving to wake her up later and get her to clean up her mess.

Valentine - Is very shocked to see her run past him as he looks through an old unsolved case. He just asks her what she's doing and what's going on, and when he gets an explanation, he just chuckles under his breath, figuring that the whole thing will run its course after a few minutes. Sure enough, it does, and when he goes to look for her, he finds her lying flat on the rug. He picks her up carefully and helps her into bed, a fond smile on his face.

X6-88 - Jerks awake as soon as he hears the high-pitched laughter. He narrows his eyes, sitting up in bed immediately and reaching for his gun due to the worry that there could be intruders afoot. However, when he realizes it is just her and she tells him about the candy she found, he is simply irked and he tells her to quiet down. But when he realizes she is on a sort of sugar high, he just sighs deeply before sitting down and patiently waiting her out.

Dogmeat - Is just as excited as she is, and if she shares a bit of her candy with him, he gets a terrible case of the zoomies and the both of them are zipping around like they're absolutely insane. They both end up crashing together at some point, completely tuckered out from running around so much, but they have a ton of fun and really enjoy it.

Strong - Is really angry and aggravated by the whole thing. He wishes she would just lay down and sleep. Even super-mutants need rest and Strong gets really grumpy when his sleep is interrupted. He yells at her for a while, really irritated but not planning to do anything to her. He is mostly just complaining and trying to explain things to her. When she finally tires out and falls asleep, he just grunts in frustration before going back to sleep, too.

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