F!Sole Being Raped

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Warning: Mentions of rape and effects of rape.

Cait - Is going to kill the person that did this. She demands to know what he looked like and where F!Sole last saw him. If she is too upset to tell her, Cait just carefully holds her for a while until she has calmed down enough to talk to her about it. When she gets a description, Cait heads out, her specially modified baseball bat wrapped in razor wire in her hands, and when she finds the person that did it, she makes them confess before beating them to a pulp until they're a nasty mess of gore.

Piper - Is some really crazy combo of sick to her stomach and angry as can be. However, she is ultimately just shocked and feeling terrible for her best friend. Piper just opens her arms and hugs her Blue tightly, not knowing what to do, but offering a shoulder to cry on and a safe place for F!Sole to talk about it or not. After a while of this, they finally settle down to talk about how to keep this from happening next time. Like maybe certain safety strategies to take and whatnot. Plus, Piper mentally resolves to just follow her Blue around way more often and keep a closer eye on her best friend.

Curie - Is horribly stricken, and she honestly feels like crying about it. She shakily offers F!Sole a checkup whenever she is ready, feeling that it is honestly best that she try to treat any physical wounds that could have occurred. When F!Sole agrees to it much too quickly, Curie hesitantly starts her examination. However, when she asks her to remove her shirt so she can examine for any injuries that could have been caused, Curie is horrified by the ugly bruises she sees, and she just hugs F!Sole gently for a long time, deciding that they're going to have to take this checkup thing slowly.

MacCready - Cannot believe what he is hearing, and he is just totally horrified. He offers her his hand and a hug if she needs it, and he just reels in the wake of the information. He is tempted to ask her about the man so he can go and take care of him properly, but he does not want to reawaken any flashbacks or anything of the traumatic experience. He honestly just feels awful for her, and he tries to give her any comfort she might want, even if he does not feel that he is exactly qualified to do so. 

Deacon - Is honestly terribly shocked. He is for once completely at a loss as to what to say, and he just sort of swallows hard and sits down next to her. Finally, despite his own lack of comfort with physical contact, he offers her a hug, and she embraces him tightly. However, when she starts crying, he has no idea what to do with her. When he finally gets a chance to leave and when he gets a description of the man from F!Sole, he tells Glory that she needs to take care of a problem. He does not give her details on what happened, but he tells her that someone did something bad to F!Sole and she needs to dispose of that someone. Of course, she does it without question.

Codsworth - Feels absolutely terrible for his mistress, and he offers her any comfort he can. He is at her beck and call and swiftly heads out to retrieve anything that she could possibly want. He is also there to listen, and he offers a sympathetic ear as he expresses how sorry he is that the entire thing happened. He tries to offer physical reassurance as well as he raises his pincer and gently places it upon her shoulder.

Hancock - Just immediately hugs her tightly to his chest, stroking her head and letting her cry on him as much as she needs. However, as soon as he helps her to feel better, he gently asks her what the person looked like that did this to her. He also asks her where it happened. When he gets those answers, he tells her to try to get some sleep and that he'll be right there with her the whole time. When he is sure that she is asleep, he quietly slips away to tell Fahrenheit about the person and he asks her to bring him to Goodneighbor alive. Soon enough, she finds him, and she drags him to the lower parts of the Old State House and lets Hancock know he's there. Hancock then takes pleasure in stabbing the man to death. 

Danse - Feels himself overcome with guilt and rage all at the same time. He feels like this is his fault and that if he would have been keeping a better eye on her, then he might could have protected her from this. He just tentatively offers her a hug, and he engulfs her entirely in his arms, trying to give her some sense of security in the middle of this vulnerable time. When he makes her feel at least a little better, he asks about the person, where it happened, and all of those things. When he receives answers, he dons his power armor and heads out to find the person. When he finds him, he makes sure to leave multiple sizable holes in his head, and Danse leaves him where he lies.

Preston - Is a little angry, but mostly disgusted and deeply saddened that this happened. He cannot believe someone would have the audacity to do this to the General of the Minutemen. He almost feels like puking, but he just pushes it all aside to offer his truest friend all the comfort that he can give her. He hugs her warmly, just rocking her back and forth lightly as he tries to make her feel better. He does not ask about the person, and resolves to instead question her later about him so that she can have time to heal a little from the horrible occurrence.

Valentine - Feels an intense disgust for the person that did it, and feels deep, deep pain for F!Sole. He hugs her gently, rubbing her back, and mumbling soft reassurances to her as he tries to reassure her in any way that he can. After she is calmer, he heads out and asks around, trying to pinpoint the culprit on his own without having to remind her of the experience. He then finds the man and forcibly drags him to Diamond City lockup for holding until they can give a trial.

X6-88 - Feels himself on the verge of shaking from the boiling anger running through him. However, he just barely manages to hold it together long enough to offer her his deepest condolences before heading off to ask questions and find this person. After some time of searching and making inquiries, he finally finds the person and lets loose on them, blasting them full of laser holes and finally, after a long moment of debating upon it, he spits upon their fallen body, offering them as much disgust as they deserve for such a horrid, inexcusable act.

Dogmeat - Can smell the pain and the blood and the fear on her, and he is immediately worried. He whimpers quite a bit, and when she finally just hugs him for a really long time, he lets her squeeze however much she wants. He licks her face and whatever part of her that he can reach from his place against her, and he wishes that she was not hurting. He would do anything to take away the pain and make things better for her.

Strong - When he finds out that someone hurt tiny human, he is ready to go on a rampage. She has to beg him to stop to make sure that he does not injure any innocents in the nearby area. He hesitantly quits, but not before he has smashed a nearby object. He finds a piece of raw meat finally and offers it to her, hoping that eating will heal her somehow, but he does not understand that most of the damage is of an emotional nature.

Maxson - Receives her with open arms, unsure of how to handle this horrid news, but deciding that he will try to be there for her. He makes sure that they are away in his quarters before he does anything such as this, but he comforts her as much as he can when they are out of the sight of prying eyes. He then carefully asks her about the person that did it as soon as she has calmed down some. The moment he figures out about it, he heads out to take care of them, pulling together a group of soldiers to search the Commonwealth for the person. When they eventually find him, Maxson has them bring the person to him. He then makes sure to take care of the person himself. No one knows what happened when he took the person in the lower parts of the Boston airport, but when Maxson comes out, he mysteriously looks just as put together as he was when he went in. He just does not have the person with him. However, the blood on his boots is pretty telling that the person met no good end.

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