Asleep F!Sole Cuddling Dogmeat After a Mission

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Cait - Finds it to be pretty cute. She just sits nearby, whittling at a piece of wood as she keeps a careful watch over the pair. She knows that F!Sole and the dog definitely deserve a good rest after all of their hard work.

Piper - Has to bite her tongue to keep herself from aww-ing over it. She just sits in the floor nearby the both of them and leans against the couch they're on while letting herself have a good rest with the two.

Curie - Tries to sneak in and sandwich herself in with F!Sole and Dogmeat. She manages to very carefully make her way in and Dogmeat only wakes for a moment to give her a small lick before going back to sleep. The three of them enjoy a nice rest together.

MacCready - Smiles in spite of himself. It is such an adorable sight and it sort of even reminds him of Lucy when she would finally fall asleep with Duncan after he had been fussy for quite some time. He lifts her head from where it is currently resting and gently places a pillow underneath it to give her a more comfortable headrest.

Deacon - Thinks that it is absolutely adorable. However, with that being said, he cannot quite resist the urge to play a small prank. He sprays quite a bit of wonderglue on her hand and then wipes a little something to eat on her face. He wakes up Dogmeat and shows him the food on her cheek. When he licks it, she brings her hand up to her face to take away the tickling and she gets a face full of wonderglue. Of course, she is very unhappy with him afterwards as she's washing it off, but it is way too humorous for him to resist.

Codsworth - Is quite happy to see the both of them resting, and he searches for a blanket to put over them. He makes sure that they are both tucked in gently, and he offers Dogmeat a small pat on the head before heading off to clean up around the house.

Hancock - Might try to slide in with them if he thinks that he can manage it. However, if either show any signs of being disturbed by his attempt to join, he just settles for lying down on the floor next to the couch that they're resting on.

Danse - Softens as he sees it and even smiles just slightly. He knows that they both deserve a rest more than anyone he knows, so he stands outside the door and makes sure that absolutely no one goes inside and bothers them.

Preston - Smiles softly at the sight and reaches over to pet Dogmeat before leaving the room. He'll give them their privacy so they can quietly enjoy a moment together in quiet. Goodness knows that she deserves as much sleep as she can get after all of her hard work.

Valentine - Just smiles at the two. He finds a blanket for the both of them, and cushions her head with a pillow in an attempt to keep her from waking up with a crick in her neck. He finds this to be the sweetest sight he has seen in quite some time, and he is going to do his best to make their rest as comfortable and peaceful as possible.

X6-88 - Somehow finds himself disturbingly satisfied with the sight. He does not exactly understand why seeing her laying there with a dog makes for such a positive feeling inside him. So he just resolves to patrol the perimeter to make sure no one messes with her. He also wants to have an escape so he does not have to keep looking at them and experiencing that weird feeling.

Strong - Thinks that they should not be sleeping. They have just finished a fight and they should be eating to grow stronger for the next battle. So he roughly wakes F!Sole up and tells her as much. Lazy humans...

Maxson - Sighs a little when he sees them. He does not particularly approve of his best knight/paladin/sentinel openly sleeping and looking so non-threatening out in front of all of the other soldiers. Therefore, he wakes up Dogmeat and moves him before lifting her in his arms and taking her to her quarters. He then calls the dog and lets them carry on just as they were. He also makes sure that no one disturbs them for a while. 

Sturges - Grins at the two of them and he makes sure to take a long break from doing any sort of hammering or any loud work around Sanctuary. After all, he definitely does not want to wake the two up when they're looking so adorable.

Glory - Chuckles a bit at the sight, her heart warming as she watches them sleep there so peacefully. She leaves them be and actually even settles in for a nap somewhere not too far off. She knows that even the best agents have to get enough rest to keep being the best.

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