F!Sole Having Mental Breakdowns and Trying to Keep It Secret

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Cait - Is terrified. She has never seen F!Sole like this, and it scares her to death. But she swiftly runs over to her and spins her around so that she's facing her. Cait grabs her shoulders firmly, trying to steady her and force her to look her in the eyes. She tells F!Sole to breathe, and the both of them take deep breaths together. After a little while, F!Sole tells her that she's been keeping these breakdowns from Cait and it just keeps happening, Cait presses her forehead against F!Sole's firmly and she tells her not to hide them anymore. F!Sole helped and is helping Cait through her issues, so the least Cait can do is return the favor.

Piper - Is absolutely beyond shocked when she sees F!Sole in such a state. However, she wastes no time in moving over and grabbing her in her arms tightly, trying to calm her down as she talks to her in quiet, soothing tones. They both end up on the ground together, Piper just squeezing her tightly and trying to help her get through this. When F!Sole admits that she has been going through these sorts of things for a while now, Piper feels her heart breaking, and she just holds her Blue tighter, telling her quietly that she wishes that she would have told her sooner. After all, they're a team, and Piper's there for her always no matter whether it's good or bad.

Curie - Is overcome with emotion when she sees her best friend. She quickly moves over to the woman and hugs her from behind, squeezing around her middle tightly as she tries to just anchor F!Sole in the best manner that she can. After a long time, F!Sole tells her that this has been happening for a long time, and Curie feels the hurt wash over her on F!Sole's behalf. She just hugs F!Sole tighter before telling her that it would likely be most beneficial for F!Sole if she talked things out a little more often and avoided bottling things up like this.

MacCready - Is extremely uncomfortable and unsure about how to help. So he just sort of stands nearby her, reaching out and squeezing her shoulder and trying to talk her through it. Eventually, they somehow manage to pull through, and she expresses that this has been going on for a while. He tells her that she can talk to him or any of her other friends. He tells her that all of them would be glad to listen.

Deacon - Is perhaps the most uncomfortable, unhappy, and lost of them all. He very carefully comes over and stands near her, trying to provide verbal reassurance and talk her through it. Sometimes he pats her on the back, but overall, he just has no idea what to do. And when she tells him that she's been suffering from this for a while, he tells her that he is there if she needs to talk. He also tells her that her other friends are there for her, too. He secretly really hopes that he has inspired her to talk to one of them. Hopefully one that's more well-equipped to handle her in this state.

Codsworth - Hovers over to her quickly and gently touches her shoulders with his pincers, attempting to make her feel at least a little better as he attempts to comfort her. Soon enough, she explains that she has been having these episodes for a while. He just sighs sadly and tells her that he misses sir, young Shaun, and their life as well and that she does not need to feel alone. He is there for her and truly does understand her feelings in a way that no one else can.

Hancock - As soon as he sees what's happening, he grabs her in his arms tightly, stroking her hair and letting her soak his clothes with her tears. She grabs onto him like a lifeline, sniffling and sobbing against him. He just holds her firmly and securely, giving her a sense of safety. She eventually admits that she has had this issue for quite some time. He assures her that he's there for her and anytime she needs anything, she just needs to come see him and he'll do everything and anything he can to help.

Danse - Is very afraid and uncertain of what to do when he sees her in this state. But he comes over and places his hands gently on her shoulders. Finally, after she is almost completely inconsolable, he quickly encloses her in a giant hug, engulfing her almost entirely with his huge arms. She sinks into his embrace, squeezing him tightly as she cries it all out. She soon tells him that she has been suffering from this sort of thing for a while now. He immediately feels extremely bad for not noticing, and he expresses that she can tell him about all of it and that he will do the best he can to listen and be there for her. Even if he does not always know what to say.

Preston - Is a little hesitant at first, but he wastes no time in carefully placing an arm around her and trying to make her feel better about things. When she hugs him, he returns it wholeheartedly, figuring that he will wait her out until she is ready to talk. At some point, she finally tells him that she has been suffering with this for quite some time, he shakes his head, telling her that she can talk to any of them about anything that's wrong always. He tells her that she can count on him to try to help.

Valentine - Is very surprised to see her like this. But he handles it like a champ, gently taking her arm with one hand and rubbing her back with the other as he pulls her against his chest. He gently speaks to her in low tones, trying to reassure her with calming words. When she finally admits that this is not the first time that this has happened, he sadly looks at her and gently expresses that it might help her if she spoke to him or someone about it. He tells her that he will always be there to listen to anything that she has to say.

X6-88 - Stands nearby, completely at a loss as to what to do. He walks near her, just standing there and explaining that everything is fine. When she brokenly explains that this is not the first time she's went through this, he immediately tells her that if she needs professional help, he can arrange an appointment with an Institute psychiatrist. He cares in his own odd way, but he has no idea how to express it or how to help her outside of finding help from someone else.

Dogmeat - Whimpers and whines and hurts right along with her. If she ends up collapsed on the ground, he moves close to her, trying to get on her lap and be as near as he can possibly manage. She ends up hugging him tightly, burying her face into his neck, and he licks her ear, trying to make her feel a little better. He does not want her to be sad, and he hopes that this won't happen ever again.

Strong - Is very confused but soon grows agitated. He tells her that she needs to keep going and that she does not need to be upset. She needs to be strong like super-mutant and be brave. He tells her that they need to find milk of human kindness together. Strangely, his weird way of comforting reassures her, and she tells him that she's had this problem with breakdowns for some time now. He just waves her off in his typical manner and tells her that she just has to be stronger and smarter.

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