Finding Out the Young Shaun from the Institute is a Synth

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Cait - Is almost ready to go and dig up old man Shaun from the ruins of the Institute and deface his body just for this cruel twist of fate. He cannot bring himself to have basic compassion or fondness for F!Sole, and worst of all, he leaves her with this two-bit version of what she could have had. It is nothing personal toward the synth child himself. She cares about the boy, but she feels that F!Sole deserved a better life. But she very soon lets go of these feelings, seeing that the synth boy means just as much to F!Sole as any human kid.

Piper - Mostly, she just feels sad for F!Sole. She knows her Blue has gone through so much and she was hoping that at least she got a real human child out of the entire ordeal. She actually had thought that this kid she was calling Shaun might have been her real old man son's child. At least then F!Sole would have a grandchild she could claim. But ultimately, Piper sees that F!Sole is clinging onto this synth child like she would any real human, so Piper just goes along with it, treating him just as she would any other kid.

Curie - Tries to look at the bright side of things. After all, Curie is a synth and Madame always says that she is just the same as any other person and even better than most real humans. So she takes that attitude and applies it to this young synth. She will never think less of him, and since he does not know he is a synth, she will never bring the topic up.

MacCready - Is extremely shocked. He knew that synths looked identical to people, but he didn't know that the Institute could make a synth that looked and acted so much like a human child as well. However, he is ultimately pleased that F!Sole managed to at least get some child to call her own out of the entire ordeal.

Deacon - Knows that she probably wanted a human child, but he does not see any difference between this synth boy and a human. When he figures it out, he just leaves it be and does not say anything. It's perfectly fine with him and he does not think that the synth child is any lesser than a true human.

Codsworth - Tries to ignore the entire idea. He firmly assures himself that this boy is real and that he is just the same as the true Shaun. To think otherwise hurts him too much, and he dotes upon the boy and takes care of him as if he were a human.

Hancock - Honestly is not bothered too much by it. He is disappointed that she could not have a real child after all of her effort and pain, but if she's just as happy with this kid as she would be with a human one, then he's perfectly good with it. Who knows? Synth-hood might grant the child more resilience or something.

Danse - Feels bad for F!Sole and wishes that she could have a normal human child to call her own. He is fond of the kid, but he knows that the synth boy will never actually end up being the same as a human boy. Do kid synths actually grow? Or will she have to transmit this synth's memories into an adult body? No matter what, he is going to be there for her, and when he sees that she treats the boy as if he were a human, he decides to completely avoid the matter altogether. It is unimportant that the boy is a synth. As long as she is happy, Danse is satisfied, and he's still going to viciously protect them both.

Preston - Is somewhat surprised to find out that the kid is a synth. He knew it could not have been her actual kin, but he had at least hoped that the boy was an actual human. But he does not look down on the kid because he is a synth. In fact, he just carries on as normal, and resolves to help protect the boy as much as possible. After all, he's not going to let her lose another child regardless of its synth-hood or humanity.

Valentine - Is deeply saddened for her. He knows how much it meant to her to have her son back-- one that is her legitimate and actual flesh and blood. But it warms his heart to see how she has accepted this child into her heart completely. So he just acts as if everything is perfectly normal.

X6-88 - Knew it all along. However, he is very glad that F!Sole has decided to take care of the boy as Father had requested. So he dutifully remains by both F!Sole and the synth boy, resolving to never tell the child his true identity since it was not Father's wishes. Also, he keeps the truth to himself because F!Sole does not seem to want to think about the truth of it all either. 

Dogmeat - Does not totally understand, but he knows that this boy smells similar to Danse and Curie and not quite like how F!Sole, Piper, and most people around smell. But just like how Dogmeat feels with Danse and Curie, he does not care that the kid is not quite the same as most people. He will love him to death and protect him to the bitter end.

Strong - Does not understand the difference. Is the very tiny human a robot? He looks like a human. Therefore, the fact that he looks like a human and F!Sole treats him like a human is plenty for Strong. The boy is just like any other human in Strong's eyes.

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