F!Sole Makes Ice Cream

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Cait - Is very skeptical of it at first. She does not like the idea of its texture. She prefers crunchy dishes or at the very least, more solid food. But she takes a chance for F!Sole, not quite able to turn down the woman because of how excited she looks about Cait trying it. As soon as Cait actually eats a bite, she cannot believe that something that looks like baby food actually tastes like heaven in a bowl.

Piper - Is absolutely and completely in love as soon as she puts in her mouth. She begs F!Sole to make lots and lots more and somehow figure out a way to store it properly. Piper cannot believe that people before the bombs had this all the time. And people came by in trucks where you could order this stuff?! She has never more strongly wished that would have lived in pre-war times.

Curie - Is thrilled to be in a body that she can use to try the stuff. She heard of it as a robot, and she always wondered what was so wonderful about it. Now that she is able to actually experience it, she feels like her tastebuds are exploding with the pure joy and incredible sweetness of it all. It immediately becomes a favorite of hers.

MacCready - Is almost like a giddy child when he digs in. His eyes are lit up with a sugar craze and he has a smile from ear to ear. He is quite reminiscent of a small boy, and he shovels the stuff in, the stuff dripping down his chin as fast as he is eating it.

Deacon - Thinks it is wonderfully tasty, and insists on taking it back to the Railroad and giving it to Glory. He really wants to see her face when she eats something that sweet. Plus, he's got a sarcastic comment planned for the moment, so that is extra motivation to show the Railroad enforcer.

Hancock - Firmly believes that it is the best invention since day tripper brownies. He happily eats the stuff as if it is going out of style, and he asks F!Sole to tell Whitechapel Charlie how to make it so that this wonderous invention can be shared with everyone in Goodneighbor.

Danse - Almost cannot believe what he is tasting. He just sits there and eats it in carefully, savoring the flavor and licking his lips in an attempt to keep every bit of the taste. However, when F!Sole comments on him enjoying it, he flushes a bright shade of red and tries to compose himself a little better before replying and telling her that he is indeed finding it quite savory.

Preston - Is smiling and shoveling it in as swiftly as he can possibly manage to get it in his mouth without choking. He ends up going so fast that he gets brainfreeze, but he is still absolutely thrilled with the stuff. He tells her that she should make more of it and share it with the people of the Commonwealth since it is entirely too good to keep to themselves.

X6-88 - Tries to keep a completely straight face and keep totally calm as he eats it. On the inside, it's like fireworks are going off in his mind, and he is thinking of a thousand ways that he can somehow subtly get her to make more of it. He is in love deeply and truly, and his expression breaks into the smallest quirk of the lips.

Dogmeat - When she lets him have a small bit of the stuff, he immediately gets the zoomies, and he takes off like he is positively insane, beyond thrilled with the taste of it. When he finally calms down, he comes back and begs for some more. However, by this time, F!Sole has learned her lesson about giving him very much at one time.

Strong - Is extremely hesitant to eat it at first. He declares that it looks like some sort of puke or sand. However, when he actually eats it, he is enamored and demands tons more. He successfully eats all of the ice cream that he can get his hands on, telling her that he loves the mush and he hopes that milk of human kindness tastes that good.

A/N: I left out Nick and Codsworth because they can't exactly eat the ice cream or react to how it smells or something (most ice cream I've ever heard of doesn't smell like anything, lol). 💖

If you have any requests, I'd be glad to hear them!

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