Pre-War Massachusetts Governor F!Sole Helping BOS Faction

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Cait - Is infuriated. She thought that as someone who had to do what was best for the people, F!Sole would know better than to trust a group of bigoted military extremists that will do anything to put their claim on the Commonwealth. She loses a lot of trust in F!Sole after that.

Piper - Is hurt deeply by this. She thought her Blue was better than that. Better than working with the Brotherhood of all people. But, she heartbrokenly notes, her position as an ex-politician must trump morality just like every other politician Piper has ever seen. It injures Piper, and it takes her a long while to accept it even halfway.

Curie - Is not sure what to think about the fact that F!Sole is supporting the Brotherhood, but she decides that if it will further science and ultimately help people in the end, then she will do her best to support her. Curie is excited by the possibilities despite some of her trepidation about the morality of the BOS's methods.

MacCready - Is honestly not happy about it. However, he does feel a little better about things when they get paid for their efforts, and he is not quite so against it at that point. But he does have issues with how the BOS as a whole treats him for not officially joining yet reaping the benefits from helping F!Sole with jobs.

Deacon - Is not thrilled about it and is honestly pretty upset. He does not like the Brotherhood of Steel because they refuse to accept any form of life except a plain human, and he cannot understand why F!Sole is going with their vision when she herself is close friends with some synths. He secretly makes suggestions to Desdemona to make plans to switch bases in case F!Sole becomes less than trustworthy as a result of her involvement with the BOS.

Codsworth - Is unhappy with her decision, but he will stand by her. He does not like how she has chosen to side with such an extremist military force. But he will always be with her and help her in any way he can. However, he does make sure to occasionally suggest the possibility of another path.

Hancock - Is angry with her for siding with a bunch of racist chumps just because they're the closes thing to a pre-war military that exists. He believes that being a politician in Pre-War times has gotten to her head and that if she is not careful, the people of the Commonwealth are going to have their say and it won't be pretty.

Danse - Is exceedingly happy with her, and thinks that she must have been an excellent governor. She is making outstanding decisions at this point, and he believes that with her influence, the Brotherhood and the Commonwealth will both end up nothing short of positively thriving. 

Preston - Is very displeased with her decision and thinks that she should be with the Minutemen. He believes that since she used to be a governor, she should have the interests of the people in mind, and he thinks that there is no better way to invest in the people than by siding with a militia composed of the people.

Valentine - Is very disappointed in her and even has his feelings hurt just the tiniest bit. She is siding with a group of people that more than anything want his and so many other good people's destruction, and he ultimately thinks that she is making a truly terrible decision.

X6-88 - Is irritated. He believes that she should side with the Institute. After all, the Institute is deeply connected with her due to the fact that her son is running it, and she would be benefiting the Commonwealth so much more by helping the Institute revolutionize technology and the world. The Brotherhood is out for the destruction of the Institute and all it stands for, and X6 does not approve. However, he feels he owes his loyalty to her due to her kindness to him.

Dogmeat - Is perfectly fine and does not care. He is happy no matter what she does. As long as she still makes time to give him pets and as long as he can be by her side, he is satisfied. His life is wonderful as long as she's in it.

Strong - Is not happy. Big metal men are well-armored and strong, but they are not kind and they try to hurt super-mutant brothers. They also are not kind to even the people of the Commonwealth. Strong thinks that F!Sole should just leave the metal men alone. Or better yet, just kill them all.

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