F!Sole that Gets Old Food Factory Going Again to Can Food for People

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Cait - Likes that there is a more plentiful supply of food. She is not usually much for helping others due to the fact that so many others never wanted to help her, but she cannot help but feel a certain degree of happiness when she sees well-fed children instead of the typical skinny beanpoles of kids that come in.

Piper - Is as proud of her Blue as can be. She loves how F!Sole has made such a huge difference in food supply and she loves that so many people are not going to have to scrounge quite so much for the next meal. She remembers herself as a young girl when harvest times were bad, and her family and she had to eat molerats that they found. It makes her very happy to know that food will be more widely available from now on.

Curie - Is very ecstatic that F!Sole is making such a difference for people in the Commonwealth. It brings her a sense of fulfillment to know that people will not be starving and that they will actually be able to keep food for quite some time. She thinks it is such a great thing.

MacCready - Thinks it's great but is not overly excited. Similarly to Cait, he is not too much for helping people other than himself because time and time again, life has proved that nothing is free. However, he tries to put aside his feelings and he focuses on how many kids just like Duncan will be taken care of.

Deacon - Is really happy to see that she has made a way to help people throughout the Commonwealth. He is really pleased with how it will definitely help synths that have just been freed. He knows that they will be much more well-fed, and he also likes that it will help the Railroad itself supply its agents.

Codsworth - As always, he is excited any time that a piece of the world he used to know returns to the present time. His inner caretaker just practically buzzes with happiness whenever he sees people heading home with tons of canned goods, and he loves the hope and happiness that is in their eyes.

Hancock - Feels very fulfilled at the sight of so many families fed. He also loves to see the way F!Sole's eyes light up every time she turns on the canner and starts fixing the food for the people that come to the factory. The whole thing is just making the Commonwealth a better place.

Danse - Is very pleased when he sees that she is taking care of so many people and helping them out. He thinks she is a true marvel and that she is a hero to the people of the Commonwealth. He often offers to help however he can, despite the fact that the machinery does practically all the work. He just is proud to be a part of it all.

Preston - Is practically beside himself with happiness, and he somehow respects and loves F!Sole even more for it. He is as excited as can be when she can supply the Minutemen and all of its members and also take care of any other settlers that need food. It just makes him so happy.

Valentine - Is smiling every time he enters the factory and sees all of the people happily laughing and talking as they wait for their goods to finish canning. The factory is not only boosting the food supply, but it is also boosting the morale of so many people.

X6-88 - Is happy that she is helping so many people. He cringes at the amount of filth there is above ground and how much filth and radiation has most definitely infected the food, but he puts that aside to appreciate the fact that she is doing such good for everyone.

Strong - Thinks that they should keep all of the food for themselves, but he does like how she is giving some to other people that really seem to need it. It'll help very tiny humans grow even stronger and it always makes him happy to see creatures and people that are on their side getting stronger.

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