F!Sole Keeping Egg from Museum of Witchcraft and Raising Deathclaw as Pet

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Cait - Thinks she's crazier than crap for keeping the egg and actually trying to hatch it. She thinks it would've been much more profitable to just sell the thing. And if they didn't sell it, she was hoping to eat it since it's such a delicacy. But when it hatches and F!Sole actually successfully raises it to be a very loyal pet, Cait actually comes to appreciate the creature for its tremendous help in battle. She doesn't exactly trust it, but she appreciates it nonetheless.

Piper - Thinks that F!Sole should have just returned the egg and left nature be. However, she does think the hatching process is very interesting, and she playfully asks her Blue if she's going to sit on the egg like a mama Deathclaw would. When it finally hatches and F!Sole raises it, Piper is quite impressed, and she is even moderately fond of the thing. She's not going to let it be around Nat, but she does like the creature.

Curie - Is fascinated as can be and is furiously taking notes always. She asks so many questions, and F!Sole honestly can't even answer them all. She is very absorbed in the hatching process and she absolutely loves the whole thing. When it actually hatches and F!Sole raises it, Curie is paying very close attention to its development. She loves the creature when it is an adult, and she is not afraid of it at all.

MacCready - Really wishes that F!Sole would have just sold it. It would have been a lot less dangerous than trying to hatch a pet that could kill her. But he goes along with it very hesitantly. When she successfully hatches it and raises it to be a pet, he thinks it is somewhat cool, but he keeps a very close eye on it anytime it is near him.

Deacon - Is very excited and begs her to name it Fluffy. Of course, she ends up agreeing, and he is even more hyped about the whole thing. When it hatches and she raises it to be a beautifully dangerous killing machine that is loyal to her and her group, he feels as if he is a proud father looking at his child all grown up.

Codsworth - Is at first hesitant, but he soon starts helping her tend to the egg and he grows to be very excited for hatching day indeed. When it finally does hatch and she raises it to be a pet, Codsworth loves the creature dearly regardless of its potential dangerousness. After all, it is one of the family now!

Hancock - Is a little disappointed that they did not try eating it, but he soon warms to the idea of trying it out as a pet. He figures that the both of them combined could take it down if it starts being a problem, so he just rolls with it. Whenever she hatches it and it grows up to be a great pet, he is very pleased and he often asks her to come to Goodneighbor with it mostly because he just wants to see people's faces when she comes in with a tame Deathclaw.

Danse - Is disgusted with the fact that she did not just destroy the egg. He thinks that it should not be sold but it should definitely not be allowed to continue on and eventually hatch. Whenever she hatches and raises it up to be a loyal member of the team, he still does not like the creature at all. However, he will very begrudgingly admit that it is a big help in fighting raiders, gunners, and other enemy groups. But he will never trust it or like it.

Preston - Is not happy at all with the fact that she has chosen to keep it. He thinks that it is extremely dangerous and that it could be a serious harm to her and everyone around. However, when it grows up and its fighting capabilities help the Minutemen, he is much more pleased with the creature. He does not trust it, but he can definitely take advantage of it while it is behaving for the time being.

Valentine - Thinks that she probably should have returned it to the remaining parent. But he very hesitantly and unhappily goes along with her idea. When she raises it to be a loyal adult, he is very hesitant and untrusting of it, but he coexists with it well enough despite his dislike for it.

X6-88 - Thinks that it is a very bad idea that she is keeping it, and he wishes she would just get rid of it. It does not really matter to him how she does it, but he thinks she definitely should not keep it for herself. When she hatches it and she raises it to adulthood, he is impressed with its ability to completely annihilate almost enemy they come across. He is suddenly a much bigger fan of the creature. 

Dogmeat - Is very interested when it is an egg. It smells funny, and he keeps a close eye on it. By the time she hatches it and it grows up to be an adult, it is his friend, and he comes to know the difference between it and the dangerous giant lizards that try to hurt his human.

Strong - Thinks that they should just eat the egg. He does not want to raise it. After all, he knows how dangerous it will grow up to be and he knows that those creatures are even a danger to super-mutants. However, when it grows up to be a pet that is on their side, he is much more fond of it and he likes how it wipes out enemies with the greatest of ease.

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