If F!Sole Can Fly

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Cait - "What the-- Y'know what? I'm not even gonna ask... Just fly me to the next fight or bar. Take your pick."

Piper - "Dang, Blue, I always knew you were super, but I didn't know it went this far..."

Curie - "Oooh!!!! Can you take me up to the clouds?! I would love to see it from a bird's eye view! For science, of course!"

MacCready - "How are you-- what the-- Uh... You mind putting me down? I kind of trust solid ground a lot more than this weird flying trick you're pulling....

Deacon - "Woah, boss... This is pretty cool, but couldn't you try being a little less... I dunno... Conspicuous? I kind of think we might make for pretty nice target practice for some bored gunners...

Codsworth - "My, my! Miss F!Sole, you truly are brilliant! We certainly have quite the advantage over the enemy front, eh? Ha, ha!"

Hancock - "Am I just high, or... am I high?"

Danse - "Hmm... To most people, this would be quite terrifying. Fortunately, I have proper training, and I'm used to the Prydwen. Of course, it is a sturdy airship, and *lets him slip a little in her grip* --- WOAH!!! Soldier, that was not nearly as humorous as you seem to find it."

Preston - "I've seen a lot of things in the Commonwealth, but this... This is not natural........"

Valentine - "Okay... Well, I've probably seen stranger things... At some point..."

X6-88 - "This could be quite efficient if we need to approach a target and avoid ground defenses."

Dogmeat - He is at first a little afraid, but he knows he is safe in F!Sole's arms so he relaxes quickly. He soon enjoys it, sticking his tongue out and letting it flap along in the breeze as he looks at everything from a completely different view than he's used to.

Strong - *if F!Sole is possibly strong (no pun intended) enough to lift him* "WHAT IS THIS?!!! TINY HUMAN FLIES?!!! STRONG CONFUSED!!! HOW DOES TINY HUMAN FLY LIKE BIRD?!!!"

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