F!Sole Copying Companions' Gestures

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Cait - When F!Sole starts mimicking some of her moves and stances in battle, Cait is somewhere between confused and flattered that F!Sole thinks so much of her that she imitates her techniques in combat. Cait does not say anything to F!Sole about it out of fear that she will realize what she is doing and stop. After all, F!Sole would surely never consciously copy someone like Cait... Would she?

Piper - When Piper figures out that her Blue has taken up moving her hands around when she tells a story, Piper honestly finds it really cute and extremely hilarious. She debates for a little while about whether to say anything to F!Sole about it, and finally decides that she won't tell her but let her try to figure it out on her own. However, when F!Sole takes to long in figuring it out, Piper makes a playfully sarcastic comment about it, grinning widely the whole time.

Curie - Takes her forever to slow down and discover it, but she finally does when she sees F!Sole get frustrated. She does that thing that Curie does when she's aggravated or loses her patience. It sort of a flailing of her hands in the general direction of the thing she's working on before turning around and heading off to collect herself. Curie finds it a little funny, but keeps the tidbit to herself. After all, she has read studies about this sort of thing, and it is perfectly normal.

MacCready - When she starts wringing her hands when she's nervous, he quickly notices. It takes him a little while, though, to realize that it is something that she picked up from him. When he does, he finds it almost funny, but he does point it out to her in case she wants to keep a better poker face about her.

Deacon - Immediately realizes it the moment that she proceeds to offer a two-fingered salute to people. He finds it hilarious and he loves to see her do it because she somehow makes it really smooth and genuine at the same time. From then on, rather than saying anything about it, he just tries to give her reasons to do it.

Codsworth - Thinks it is quite entertaining how she sometimes says tally-ho. It's usually in a joking manner, but she has nevertheless started saying it, and he loves it even more when he actually realizes that she got it from him. Whenever she says it next, he makes sure to agree heartily with her and repeat the phrase himself.

Hancock - Takes him a little while to figure out that she has taken up his disdainful lip curl at things that disgust her or that she disapproves of. When he figures it out, he waits for the next time that she pulls the trick, and then he proceeds to tell her that she looks pretty cute when she imitates him, which of course makes her quite self-aware.

Danse - Finds it really adorable when he realizes that she has mastered his irritated glare. It is just so adorable to see her pretty face scrunch up with her eyebrows almost sitting on top of her eyes as she looks at someone who is aggravating her. Of course, he does not express this emotion, and he lets her continue on with the expression as he gets silent enjoyment from it.

Preston - What she copies from him is not so much of a gesture as it is a sound. She sometimes whistles one of his favorite tunes that he oftentimes is whistling himself. When he figures it out, he just laughs to himself and waits for her to whistle again. When she does, he joins in, and it surprises her a little, making her aware that she had taken up one of his habits.

Valentine - Finds it pretty endearing how she has suddenly started just sort of saying "huh" when she's considering something. It takes him only a little while to realize that she's copying him and when he realizes is ironically at the same time she does, because they are having a conversation and they both go "huh" at around the same time.

X6-88 - Realizes it right about the time that they both quirk one eyebrow extremely high and eye someone with a gaze communicating just how unimpressed they are with the person. He finds it rather odd that she is mimicking his behavior, but he allows it, the entire thing not bothering him in the least. Perhaps F!Sole will start to reflect more of his behavior. It would do her well to learn from him.

Dogmeat - F!Sole sometimes tilts her head when she's listening to people speak and is interested in the conversation, and when he realizes that she is tilting her head when he tilts his head, he barks happily. She is finally listening to him like he listens to her!

Strong - When F!Sole starts scratching her head in his typical fashion when she is confused or nervous or even just when her head itches, it takes him a while to notice until they both coincidentally are doing it at the same time. He immediately thinks that she is copying him on purpose and he confronts her about it, telling her that tiny human should come up with her own things to do instead of stealing his things.

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