F!Sole in Deadly Fight but Starts Singing and Animals Come Kill Enemies

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Cait - "What sort of hocus pocus withcraft are ye cooking up that made all the animals come runnin'? Never mind, I guess it doesn't matter. It got the job done."

Piper - "Y'know, I've read about Disney princesses in Pre-War books and stuff, but I didn't know people like that exist in real life. You must be Cinderella, huh, Blue?"

Curie - "You are a true marvel, Madame! How you do these thing utterly escapes me sometimes..."

MacCready - "Wow... Your singing must be terrible if it makes animals want to kill stuff, heh, heh... I'm sorry, that was a joke!"

Deacon - "Okay, Mary Poppins... I definitely didn't know you could do that...."

Codsworth - "Incredible, Mum! What a neat trick! You could really make quite the fortune in New Vegas!"

Hancock - "Oh, man.... Chems are not my friend today..."

Danse - "Absolutely outstanding.... I'm exceedingly confused about how you did it, but I suppose miracles don't have explanations, do they, soldier?"

Preston - "I'm honestly not sure whether to be excited or be extremely disturbed right now... But great work, General."

Valentine - "Well, kid... I guess I've always known something was special about you."

X6-88 - "I am... Unnaturally disturbed and impressed. It is a confusing feeling."

Dogmeat - Excitedly barks. His human has saved the day. She is truly the most amazing person he has ever seen, and he loves her more than anything.

Strong - "Why tiny human make so much NOISE?!!! And why so many animals come out and kill bad guys?!!! STRONG CONFUSED!!!"

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