F!Sole Gets the Internet to Work

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Cait - Does not really understand the big deal about the entire thing. She starts trying to use the internet, and she very quickly grows aggravated with how slow it moves and she does not really enjoy using it. Therefore, she is extremely dismissive when everyone else is talking about how wonderful it is.

Piper - Is beside herself with enthusiasm, and she eagerly starts looking into politics of the old days. In her search, she soon finds herself of Tok-Tik, and she finds quite a bit of information about truths about the American government. She avidly looks at all of the videos, but she makes sure not to let it totally run her life. She still dutifully takes care of her sister and makes sure that she is up to date on Commonwealth events. She just looks on Tok-Tik in the evenings when she has time to look.

Curie - Is absolutely thrilled and excitedly spends quite a bit of time on the Internet in an attempt to absorb as much information as possible. Her personal favorite is TubeTube. All of the informational videos on there totally fascinate her, and she studies them for quite some time. She binge-watches so much medical videos that F!Sole ends up having to remind her about her work in the Commonwealth. She then starts to balance her time on the internet and her time in the real world, and she is soon quite well-versed in a variety of topics and can offer even more medical assistance to F!Sole and the rest of the group.

MacCready - Is in love as soon as he starts to use it. He plays tons of games on it, but his favorite thing of all to do is to watch TubeTube episodes of popular superhero cartoons. He could watch that for hours, and he becomes very knowledgeable about different heroes and spends a long time sharing the lore and whatnot with F!Sole.

Deacon - Is an absolute fiend as soon as he starts to use it. He is on BookFace all the time looking at the drama of days gone by. He also goes and interacts with some foreign accounts that are still up and running in areas that were not bombed. He loves to create drama and troll any pages that he finds to be inappropriate or less than moral.

Codsworth - Is very pleased that a piece of Pre-War life has been brought to this new world. He does not use it himself, but he does occasionally watch F!Sole play games on the computer. He is particularly fond of one game where she can play as a wide variety of different cartoon and video game characters while also having them do all sorts of insane dances. It was a kids' game, but he still rather likes it.

Hancock - Loves it for a variety of reasons. He loves all of the music that he can get on holotapes and he loves the games of online poker. Granted, there was no one to play with except the computer AI, but he loves it nevertheless. It's like regular poker but without the possibility of losing all of his caps.

Danse - Is fascinated and very excited about it. He eagerly is looking on TubeTube for tutorials about fixing up power armor and adding special mods to it. He is also looking at tons of other mechanic videos that give tutorials on a variety of things such as putting together cars and even how to craft awesome mods for guns. He also likes looking at the tribute videos to veterans and war heroes. He would never admit it, but they bring a bit of tears to his eyes.

Preston - Thinks it is amazing and he asks F!Sole to download patriotic music onto holotapes so Radio Freedom can blast the inspirational music throughout the Commonwealth. That is the primary reason that he wants to use the internet, and he absolutely loves to hear all the old tunes celebrating America and patriotism.

Valentine - Thinks it is very interesting, and he looks on the internet for any unsolved cases from the past that he might could get access to. He enjoys pondering over them and wondering if there could be the slightest possibility that some of these bad guys could still be alive. After all, Eddie Winter was still kicking after all these years.

X6-88 - Seems to be completely unimpressed when looking at the surface. However, on the inside, he is really quite interested. When he thinks no one is around, he is looking on TubeTube and many other websites. However, when he discovers cat videos on TubeTube, he is completely in love and binge-watches tons of them every night when most people around are asleep.

Dogmeat - Does not like how this new convenience takes up so much of everyone's time. He wants more attention than what he's getting. However, he soon realizes that there is merit in being able to just lay his head in people's lap as they sit and look at the devices. He gets a lot of pets that way.

Strong - Does not understand the significance of it. It is not anything sitting right in front of them, so he finds it to be rather pointless. Why concentrate on something that is not even real? He is soon aggravated by the entire thing and wants to smash all the computers that have this internet on them. 

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