Young F!Sole Seeing Them as Parental Figure and Calls Them Mom/Dad Privately

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Cait - Is thrown off horribly when she first hears them call her Mom in private. She almost spits out her drink then and there and she definitely chokes on it a little. She is honestly in shock, and she does not know what to say. She doesn't want to tell the kid to quit calling her that, but she definitely doesn't think that she is the kid's mom. Therefore, she sort of just ignores her and tries to act like it didn't happen.

Piper - It totally flies over her head at first since she was writing an article and she is used to being Mom in all but name. However, after a moment, she realizes that they did not just call her Piper and that it was Mom instead. Piper almost immediately feels overwhelmed with emotion, and she just gets up from wherever she was sitting and heads over to the kid, ruffling her hair before hugging her tightly. Piper is definitely going to be the best mom she can be.

Curie - Is absolutely and deeply touched that the girl considers Curie to be her mother. Curie is in the middle of testing some chemicals when the kid calls her that, but as soon as she properly cleans her hands and removes her lab coat and goggles, she just hurries over and gives the girl a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. Curie knows absolutely nothing about being a mother, but she will do the best she can.

MacCready - Is totally shocked when she says it, and he just stares at her for a moment in the middle of cleaning up his gun. After a moment, he clears his throat and tries to regain his composure. However, the awkwardness is almost overwhelming him when he responds to her. He decides to let her call him whatever she wants, but it always makes him blush when she calls him Dad.

Deacon - Is not comfortable with it at all. He would much rather be like cool Uncle Deacon or something, but to avoid hurting her feelings or anything, he tells her that to keep their undercover status, maybe she should make sure she doesn't call him in public unless they're playing the role of father and daughter. Unfortunately, this whole thing backfires on him severely when they go to the Railroad, and since she assumed he didn't have an issue with being called "Dad" in private or around trusted people, she lets the title loose. Needless to say, Glory has a great time teasing Deacon since he's finally flustered about something.

Codsworth - Is deeply touched, but prefers to be considered a guardian. After all, nothing and no one should take the place of sir. However, he soon grows warmer toward it, and decides that he will be what she needs him to be. After all, he is all she has left of her old life, so he figures that he might as well be her father figure despite how strange it is.

Hancock - Does not really know what he thinks of it. But since she is so young, he decides to let it go and be her father figure if she wants despite the fact he thinks he might be a little ill-equipped. He actually even tells her to go call Fahrenheit her big sister to her face just to mess with her, and if F!Sole actually indulges him, he quickly is behind her and makes sure that Fahrenheit doesn't throttle her. After all, the two of them are sisters now even if it is by adoption.

Danse - Is severely uncomfortable, and tries to ignore the slipup she has. However, it keeps circulating around in his brain, and he tries to take a more distanced approach with her and not treat her quite so affectionately. He is not ready to be a father and he firmly believes that she definitely does not need someone like him to play that part.

Preston - Is terribly shocked when he first hears it, and he almost drops his laser musket on his toe. He is not comfortable with being called Dad, but he tries to act like he is. After all, if the girl needs a father and she has picked him of all people to play the role, then he supposes that he should at least try to fulfill it for her.

Valentine - Is very surprised when he first hears it, but he finally just responds to her like normal with only a slight delay. If she seems horrified that she said it, he just flashes her a small, fond smile and continues reading his newspaper or looking through his case notes. He doesn't mind if she calls him Dad and he actually finds it very endearing since it shows how much he means to her.

X6-88 - Definitely does not touch her with a ten-foot pole afterward. He is not at all comfortable with being called Dad and he tries to keep any physical contact with her at a nonexistent level. He also tries to be even more stiff and robotic around her. This Dad thing is overwhelming for him and actually makes him feel things. And that just will not do.

Strong - Absolutely hates it and does not understand. His name is not Dad. It's Strong! And why is she calling him something different? Is it like the human version of brother? He is just so confused. Tiny humans make no sense.

Maxson - Is very shocked, but handles it surprisingly well. He is by no means comfortable with the title at all, but as he thinks about it more, he realizes that he has no other heirs and that she is such a promising young soldier that he might as well adopt her. He explains the entire thing to her, and when she agrees to let him adopt her, he is as proud and as pleased as he can be.

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