Young F!Sole Being Bullied At School and Coming Home with Bruise

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A/N: This is a follow up to the last react. 🥰

Cait - Is angry as can be and immediately heads out to the school to find the teacher. As soon as she sees him, she reaches over his desk and grabs him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him over the surface. She then lifts him up so that he is at eye-level with her, her jaw clenched as she practically hisses at him to never let her see F!Sole come home with a single hair on her head harmed. Otherwise, it's his hide. He takes her seriously, and F!Sole is not ever bothered again. Cait also teaches F!Sole to fight just in case the kids don't listen to the teacher.

Piper - Is immediately outraged as soon as she sees it, and she immediately marches right up to F!Sole. Piper gently takes the girl's chin in her hand to get a better look at the blossoming bruise on her cheek. As soon as Piper has comforted her, she heads out to go and address the teacher at Diamond City and tell him that he needs to keep a better eye on the kids and that if her kid comes home with one more bruise, Piper is going to write an article. Needless to say, F!Sole does not end up with another bruise.

Curie - Cannot believe this has happened. She quickly kisses the skin where the bruise is in an attempt to reassure the girl before heading to the school to talk to the teacher about it. If she cannot get anywhere with him, she speaks to his Miss Nanny assistant, and the both of them discuss better ways to handle the kids and keep them from hurting one another. Curie is soon able to work out a solution.

MacCready - Honestly sort of wants to fight the kid that hurt his kid. However, he holds back that urge and he just goes to talk to the teacher at the school. He has a long talk with him and explains that he used to be a gunner. Shortly after telling that story, he tells the teacher that nothing had better ever happen again to his kid. It doesn't.

Deacon - Is honestly pretty upset about it. However, as per usual, he handles it as cool as a cucumber. He heads to the school, and when he is asked who he is, he pulls the dad card despite the fact he's not too comfortable with it. He just pretends it's another undercover mission. He tells the man to try to keep his students under control and to do better. 

Codsworth - Is very upset and as soon as he has ensure that she is alright and has comforted her appropriately, he heads to the school to have a long discussion with them about ensuring the care of his child. He is relieved when the teacher does not seem bothered by his state of being a robot and his child being human, but he has no problem getting a little less than nice if the teacher starts trying to defend the bullies' position. Codsworth explains to him that he had better handle his classroom properly or Codsworth is going to take her out and homeschool her, which will not reflect well on the teacher.

Hancock - Is absolutely infuriated as can be when he sees what happened, and he actually gives her a knife to handle the situation. He tells her to never use it, but just act crazed and run toward them. Turns out, that works excellently. However, he ends up having to talk to the teacher for a while about it and argue that it is perfectly fine for her to threaten the other kids if they're beating her up.

Danse - Is very angry, but decides to try to teach her to fight and defend herself effectively. He tells her that if anyone tries to hurt her again to let him know. When it inevitably happens again, she wins the fight, but the teacher gets her in big trouble. He immediately is through with the less confrontational route, and he heads up to the school and tells the teacher that he cannot get the girl in trouble if she was just defending herself. He also tells him that he should get the bullies in trouble for their severe misconduct.

Preston - Is extremely upset and cannot believe it. After he reassures her, he heads out to the school to figure out what happened. When the teacher explains, he is very unhappy, and he has a long talk with him. Finally, he manages to get the man to promise to ensure his kid's safety and wellbeing. From then on, she is bullied no longer.

Valentine - Is pretty mad about the whole thing, and after trying to make her feel at least a little better about it, he heads to the school and talks to the teacher, telling him that he's got to keep these kids safe from bullying. If the teacher starts trying to tell him that he cannot do much about it, he tells him that he will just have to teach her how to defend herself. The teacher soon changes his tune.

X6-88 - Just asks where she got it from and how it happened. As soon as she tells him, he goes straight to the parents house and threatens them quite effectively. If the kid that hurt her actually shows his or her face, he makes sure to throw an especially nasty glare at them as he lowers his sunglasses just a bit and makes eye contact. They don't bother F!Sole again.

Strong - Is very mad about it. All he knows is that someone hurt tiny human, and no one hurts tiny human. He goes to school with her the next day, and no kid messes with her. If any of them dare to even remotely act as if they might be mean, F!Sole has to quickly tell Strong to stop because he is making a beeline toward them with full intentions to crush them.

Maxson - Is absolutely enraged. He immediately withdraws her from the school, deciding to teach her all that he knows instead. After all, he has learned quite a bit, and he can homeschool her. There is no more discussion or even reference to the old school, and she will now be learning in a place where he knows she is safe.

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