Companions Haven't Heard Her Name During Whole Time Traveling

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Cait - Is a little angry when she realizes it, so she stomps right up to F!Sole and declares that she has been hiding something from her. F!Sole is completely surprised and protests, insisting that she would never hide anything from Cait. But when Cait tells her it is her name that she has hidden, F!Sole laughs before telling her the name. When Cait hears it, she is a little surprised at F!Sole's willingness to just tell her. She asks her why she hid it for so long, and F!Sole explains that no one really asks, so she does not usually think to tell.

Piper - Is somewhat upset and it is pretty early in their time together when she actually realizes it. Of course, she waits until she has travelled with her Blue for a longer time before finally asking her name, because she is worried that F!Sole is keeping her name to herself for a reason. Piper does not want to make her uncomfortable or bring back any potentially bad memories. When F!Sole tells her, Piper grins widely and offers her hand to shake, introducing herself once again, which naturally brings a laugh out of F!Sole.

Curie - Is disoriented and unhappy when she realizes that she does not know Madame's actual name. Therefore, she proceeds to ask and explain that she is very ashamed that she does not know this information. When F!Sole answers, Curie brightens considerably and gushes over what a beautiful name it is.

MacCready - When he realizes it, he is shocked and cannot believe that he has travelled with her so long without knowing something so important. He waits a little while before asking as casually as he can. As soon as he says it, he realizes that it sounds way more planned than he meant for it to. When she answers, he feels a lot better, but he still has a bit of awkwardness left behind from the way he asked, so he just sort of says that her name's cool and quiets for a while.

Deacon - When he realizes, he finds it terribly humorous, and he just laughs like crazy. Not too long after, F!Sole asks what is so funny. Then he tells her that somehow she has managed to keep something secret from the one person who knows pretty much every secret in the Commonwealth. When she asks what it is, he finally tells her that he does not know her actual name. She laughs a little in reply and starts to tell him what it is before he cuts her off quickly and tells her that he's going to figure it out on his own.

Codsworth - Knows her name, and is quite upset when he realizes most people in the Commonwealth have not called her by it. He therefore makes it his mission to introduce his mistress to everyone. That is, as long as she is alright with that.

Hancock - Is somewhere between finding it somewhat funny, being extremely curious, and feeling a little aggravated with the fact that he somehow does not know what her name is. So he asks as soon as possible, and when she answers, he smiles and tells her that she has a beautiful name.

Danse - Back when he recommended her to the Brotherhood, she introduced herself the higher-ups in private, so he missed her actual name. But he never really thought about it, because he always referred to her by her title. When he is out of the Brotherhood, he finally realizes that he does not actually know the name of the most important person in his life. He wastes no time in somewhat ashamedly and awkwardly questioning what her name is. When she tells him, he feels a warmth in his chest and he nods, at a loss for words as he thinks about the entire situation.

Preston - First realizes it when he proceeds to introduce her at an event for the Minutemen. He sort of pauses, and he looks at her with something akin to panic in his eyes before just deciding to say the General. As soon as she has finished her speech, then he pulls her over to the side, laughing somewhat nervously as he tells her that he does not actually know her real name. When she tells him, he nods in appreciation and grins, happy to finally have a real name to put with her.

Valentine - Is surprised at himself for never taking the time to actually think about that. He always calls her "kid" or "doll" but never really considered her true name. Therefore, he asks her the next time he sees her, and when she tells him, he makes sure to call her by that name, too.

X6-88 - Knows her name, but has yet to hear it from anyone in the Commonwealth. He finds that to be quite strange, so he asks her why no one calls her by her name. He is even more confused when she explains that very few people have actually asked her what her name is.

Dogmeat - Does not care that he hasn't heard her name. He knows who she is, and to him, that's perfectly good enough. She smells amazing, sounds amazing, and treats him amazing, so he's happy no matter what her name is.

Strong - Is confused when he really thinks about it, so he wastes no time in just asking what her name is. When she responds, he is irritated and he informs her that she needs to change her name to something more tough. Like Spike or Gut-Head.

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