F!Sole Asking if They Want to See Her Defy Gravity Before Suddenly Ascending

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Cait - "Okay... Y'know, at this point, I've seen it all, so I'm not even gonna question it, alright?"

Piper - "Alright, Blue. The jig is up. Where're the strings and whatnot holding you up there? Wait... There's... You're... What the---"

Curie - "Madame, you are truly defying the laws of gravity! How are you doing this?! May I run some tests?!"

MacCready - "Holy crap!!! You're floating!!! You look just like the Inspector from the Unstoppables!!!"

Deacon - "Trippy... I like it. I don't recommend doing it in front of a crowd, but I like it."

Codsworth - "Quite impressive, Mum! You always have been quite the showstopper with that one!"

Hancock - "Am I high...? Boy, I sure hope so..."

Danse - "Somehow, you manage to keep surprising me. One would have thought that I would have been desensitized to your superhuman abilities, but I suppose I have never seen you show off supernatural abilities..."

Preston - "General... You are really amazing, you know that?"

Valentine - "I was kind of expecting you to sing that song from that musical that was popular back in the day... But I guess this fits the bill, too..."

X6-88 - "This is rather odd and quite unnatural. While I am entirely in favor of defying expectations, I believe that gravity exists for a reason, Ma'am."

Dogmeat - Barks a little with excitement but also from worry. What if she falls? She's doing something that he has never seen another human do. He can't help but be a little concerned for her.


Maxson - "Come down from there right this instant. That is downright unnatural."

Sturges - "Good grief... You're seriously one of a kind. I ain't never in all my life seen somebody just all of a sudden start floating!"

Glory - "Sick! Where'd you figure out how to do that?! Never mind, that's not important! The real thing here is that we can now put things out of Deacon's reach just to annoy him! Finally some cold, hard revenge!"

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