If I am in madam Pomfreys then I must have been passed out long enough for someone to come looking for me.

I looked next to me and Draco was asleep on a chair. I smiled slightly, he's back and he's okay.

The room was dark Indicating it was night time, I must have been passed out for awhile.

"Oh dear, you're awake." Madam Pomfrey said as she handed me a potion.

"Drink. It will help with the drowsiness." She explained.

I looked down at the potion. "What time did I come in this morning?" I asked as I took a big swig from the potion.

"Oh sweetie. You've been in here for three days." She said with a pity smile.

"Oh..." I said as I handed her the bottle back. "...where's my father?"

Madam Pomfrey was required to know about my father and I, just in case I were to end up in here like right now.

"It's past midnight so I would think asleep, but you can't leave yet to go find him, but I'll let him know you're awake." She said with a smile.

I nodded my head and sighed as I laid back down and she walked away.

"You're awake." Draco said next to me with his eyes still closed.

"And you're barely awake." I said laughing quietly.

He shook his head lightly. "I am awake, just resting my eyes."


"Shit Draco, are both of my eyes blue now?" I said quickly as I opened up my eyes wider and leaned my face towards him.

He opened his eyes and clasped his hands together as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. He squinted at my eyes and looked carefully.

"Oh shit, they are Gem." He said with a slight gasp.

My hands flew to my eyes. "Draco that means it has happened."

He laughed slightly. "It was a joke love."

My hands went back down to my lap, I glared slightly at him and rolled my eyes. "Dick."

"I'm sorry love, but you can't have that while you're in a hospital bed." He smirked as he leaned back into his chair.

"Dra-" I started to jokingly yell towards him.

"Can't have what?" My fathers voice spoke as he reached my bed.

"Oh Um..." I said as I started to trail off as I tried to find a different reason and Draco was silently laughing.

"You know what? I don't want to know." He said to me as he closed his eyes slowly and shook his head.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and shifted in my bed.

"I'm glad you're okay Gem." My father said walking over to the opposite side of the bed that Draco was sitting on and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"It was the worst pain I've ever felt from any vision." I said looking up at my father.

He nodded his head in understatement and stood up straight. "What was it about?" He asked calmly.

I looked over at Draco who was now resting his elbows on the edge of my head obviously trying to hear what I was about to explain better.

"It was about Voldemort...I was tied up in a chair but not in devil form, I was being tortured with the Crucio curse and I was beat up pretty badly. My devil form wouldn't come out, like I didn't have enough energy for it." I explained as I played with my fingers nervously and bit my lip. "It wasn't like any other vision though, it felt like I was really there. I could barely tell it was in the future."

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