Chapter 8: Snow Day

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Namjoon's POV

"If you let go of me, I will hold onto you tighter. I am not letting go nor am I going anywhere."

Jin's words leave me stunned. I don't know what to say. My world is spinning, and all I can do is hold onto him like he is my anchor. How can an angel even look at someone who has fallen? I wouldn't say I am a fallen angel. I am definitely no angel. Life never gave me the choice to fall. I was born fallen. So, how can an angel make such a promise to me?

Before I can respond, he gets up and takes Tae into his arms. Apparently Jin and I woke him up. Tae always looks so confused when he first wakes up. It's honestly so adorable. I watch as Jin starts baby talking to Tae and makes faces at him which makes Tae laugh uncontrollably. Jin is so good with him. All I can do is watch with adoration.

Jin's POV

Before Namjoon can reject me, I quickly get up and take Tae in my arms. He is too adorable with his dumpling cheeks and fluffy duck hair. When I get us up, I begin to play with him and watch those big green eyes light up with laughter. This Little One's laughter could light the whole world. I know he is the only light in Namjoon's world, so I will shine with him so Namjoon's world will have two lights. 

Namjoon hasn't told me anything that happened before Tae was born, but I am curious. Where are his parents? Does he not have friends? Obviously, I will save all of these questions for another time. Right now, I have something fun in mind. With mischief on my mind, I walk Tae and I to the window and look outside.

"Bwight! Appa, it's bwight!"

As Tae squeals, I hear Namjoon chuckle. His chuckle is deeper than the ocean.

"Yes Little Bear. It's bright outside," Namjoon responded with his husky morning voice. I can definitely get used to that voice.

I hear as he gets off of the bed and walks towards us. Every step he takes has my breath hitching. I can feel my cheeks heating up. I am soooo nervous because I have no idea what will happen now. I basically confessed. Lord save me!!! I am a shaking mess.

The moment Namjoon stands beside us, all of my playfulness, confidence, and mischief disappear. What was I going to do again? Somebody SAVE ME!

Namjoon's POV

I can guess that Jin is stubborn and already invested, so I won't hurt him. I will see where this goes. He does not deserve to get hurt. I will hold on until he tells me to let go. If he never tells me to, then I will always hold on. Maybe someday if he asks me to let go, I won't. 

I walk over to the window where my two angels are. Maybe angels need a demon to protect them from the world. I will be that demon for them. I will protect them. 

After we stand here for a little while, I hear Jin clear his throat and  randomly exclaim, "SNOW DAY!!!"

Before I can react he runs to my dresser and pulls out Tae's winter clothes. When in the world did he figure out where Tae's clothes were? And, where in the world did he get so much energy?

"Hyung, is the bathroom also community?" Jin asks while he grabs some of my winter clothes. I am guessing they are for him.

"Yes, they are down the hall to the left. What are you doing?"

"I am going to take Tae and bathe him. You are going to go shower as well. Then we are all going to play in the snow!" Jin literally screams this with so much excitement. All I can do is smile and nod my head because before I can say anything, he is out of the door. He must be running because I can hear Tae screaming with excitement. Before I head to the shower, I check my laptop to see there is still no WiFi. I then check my phone only to remember it died last night, and there is still no electricity. With a sigh I run my hands through my hair and grab my clothes. When I get to the showers, I hear Jin screech.

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