A Birthday Surprise Part 2

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Chapter 26

After you were done baking you went to Everlyn's room to dress her.

You dressed up Everlyn in a princess-ish pink dress, you put the baby's hair in a bun and put a crown on her head.

"Look, my princess is all dressed up " you happily said as the girl admired herself in the mirror.

Then it was your turn to change.
You changed into a knee length purple dress, you wear black heels, you put your hair in a ponytail and you wear a silver chain set.

"Come on Everlyn, let's go" you stated.
Both of you walked to the backyard.


Music started to play as you and your daughter entered the backyard and as soon as Taehyung looked at you, the world froze.

Your beauty was enchanting and captivating almost like a siren, your smile was the purest thing, he wanted to protect that smile.

Yoongi noticed Taehyung's expression, he jabbed Taehyung's shoulder making Taehyung look at him.

"I know my kitty is beautiful, you don't have to stare at her" Yoongi said teasingly.
"Shut up! " Taehyung said as his cheeks heated up.

You were helping Everlyn sit and that was when Taehyung came to stand opposite you and Everlyn.


Loud gunshots echoed throughout your ears as Taehyung covered the if  both you.

You all slowly got up to see that you were all surrounded by men and Kammy had the most shocked expression as she looked at the blonde who was in the middle of the scene.

'What's going on? ' You asked yourself.

The blonde clicked me male clicked fingers and the men surrounding you all put on masks and the blonde opened some kind of gas.

"Don't breathe the sleeping gas! " You heard someone screamed but your body could not react in time and before you knew it, darkness greeted you.


Victor stroked Kammy's hair as she squirmed around and furrowed her brows before slowly opening her eyes.

"Hello Princess" Victor stated and that made Kammy push herself off him.

The Russian chuckled darkly.
"Still the same, aren't we? " He stated.
"GET AWAY FROM HER! " Yoongi screamed.

Victor looked over Kammy's shoulders.
"Nice to see you again, Yoongi " he stated with a smug.

Kammy looked around and realised that non of her friends or the hybrids were there.

"Where's my friends? " She asked.
Victor sickly smiled at her.
"Oh love, I'm sure you'll be able to find them " Victor said before he got up.

Yoongi scoffed " Let me guess, my father put you up to all of this" Yoongi stated.

"Of course" Victor said honestly.
"Why? Just why? " Yoongi asked.
"Well, it stays between father and me " Victor stated.

"However if you want your friends alive, you'll return to the Min Mansion" Victor continued before leaving.

"Yoongi? " Kammy called.
"Kamz, we don't have a choice anymore.....The people we love and care about are in danger " Yoongi stated and Kammy nodded in response.

Yoongi looked around at the damaged caused by Victor and his gang.

" What a birthday surprise " he muttered sarcastically.

Hey guys!

I hope that you enjoyed this double update! 


Little Miss Purr-fect (KTH) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ