Photo Booth

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Chapter 20

"Rise and Shine Everlyn~" you said in a sing song voice as you stroked Everlyn's hair softly.

The girl slowly opened her eyes and gave you a sleepy smile.
"Good mornwing momma" she said sleepily making you smile a bit.

It's been two weeks since you started to stay with Taehyung and both daughter and father has really made you smile with their goofy nature.

"Morning my love, get up and brush your teeth then we'll eat some pancakes" you stated with a smile.

Hearing 'pancakes' made Everlyn jump of her bed and ran to the bathroom.
You chuckled at her behaviour.


Soon you were in the kitchen, flipping over pancakes making sure that they don't burn.
"Good morning kitty, I can smell something really good" Taehyung stated in husky morning making you look to see Taehyung in green pj's and his hair messy.

" Morning Taehyung" you greeted before you put the last pancakes on a plate.
" You know that you should call me Tae" Taehyung said as he helped you decorated the pancakes with the berries and the chocolate syrup after he washed his hands.

You both placed the plates on the table then Taehyung went to get three glasses and orange juice.
By the time you two were done, Everlyn was already down.

"Mornwing papa! " Everlyn said happily as she jumped on Taehyung who carried her.
" Good morning princess" Taehyung greeted.

"Now, now! Let's eat!  " you said with a happy smile, and both father and daughter cheered.
" PANCAKES!" They both cheered.

After you three had breakfast, you helped Everlyn bath and dress for the day ahead.
"Momma, whair aree wee gowing? " Everlyn asked.

"Well we are going to spend some time in the mall" you said and the baby hybrid screamed in happiness.
"Come, let's go!" You happily said.

You both went down stairs to see Taehyung waiting for you two.
"Ready? " he asked with a smile.
"Yep" you stated with a smile.


The car ride from home was long as the soft music from the radio played and you slipped into a daydream.
"We are here! " Taehyung happily said breaking your thoughts to see that you all were in a parking of a mall.

"Why are we at a mall? " You asked.
"Well I want to spend some time with my two favourite girls at the mall" he said sheepishly which you found rather cute.

"Wata mwall is? " Everlyn asked.
Taehyung turned around to speak to Everlyn.
"A mall is a place you go to buy anything like clothes and food" Taehyung did a bad job explaining to the girl who looked at him confused.

"Huh? " she asked.
Now it was your turn to look back at Everlyn.
"Sweetie, a mall is a magical place where you can get anything you wish as long as you pay the fairies" you explained in the language the child understand.
"Wow!" the girl explained in happiness.

After that both you and Taehyung stepped out of the car and you unbuckled Everlyn form her seat.

Everlyn was walking between you two, skipping happily which made you smile.

You all entered the mall and Everlyn started to cry making you and Taehyung worried about her.

"Hun, what's wrong? " Taehyung asked.
"" the baby hybrid said between her sobs.

Both you and Taehyung exchange glances.
"Let's go to a quieter place" you said and Taehyung nodded in response.

Taehyung then carried the crying child out as you both walked away from the mall.

"Why did her ears start hurting?" Taehyung asked you.
"She's still a bit young to be taken in the mall because she can't handle any loud chattering or sounds" you stated.

"Why though?" he asked.
"Because hybrids have better hearing then humans and at a young age our ears are very sensitive" you explained.
"Oh" he said.


Soon the three of you found yourself at a restaurant which was quite.

"Sorry mam and sir but hybrids are not allowed in the restaurant" the waiter said ruining your day.

"Did anyone ask for your opinion? " Taehyung bitterly asked.
"Sir, it's the restaurants policy" the waiter said.

"If it's the restaurant policy then why don't you tell the others who have hybrid's the same?" Taehyung asked making you look around to see many people with hybrids.
"More specifically, why did you decide to ruin the day, huh? " You asked and the waiter gave you a smug.

"I was about to insult you but I see nature has done a better job doing that" Taehyung said and with that he left with the both of you.

After another drive, you were in a quieter mall and Everlyn was enjoying herself as she walked between the two of you.

You all entered a store  that may peak Everlyn's interest.
"Wow" Everlyn said as her eyes scanned the toys.

"Go on, Everlyn pick whatever you want " Taehyung said and you looked at him with a 'what the heck' look.

"No Everlyn, pick only one toy" you sternly said and it was now Taehyung who was looking at you strangely.

"What? What I said is rigth! She can't have everything and desides she has alot of toys" You stated.
"(Y/N), it's fine because I'm paying for it" Taehyung said.

"I know, the least thing you want to do is spoil her too much and she becomes a nerve wrecking brat" You said and Taehyung nodded.

You both followed Everlyn around the store until you all came to a picture machine.
"Momma, Papa! I wwant to gow there! " Everlyn said happily.

"Do you want to take out a picture? " You asked and she shook her head.
"Okay then" Taehyung stated.

Taehyung pulled the curtain and waited for you two enter the box, when you did he stepped in and pulled back the curtain.

Now this picture booth was not like the one you were knew.

Well the only thing that was different was that there was a green screen behide you and filters that was on the options.

You, Everlyn and Taehyung took out many pictures.
You all had fun taking them out in the photo booth.

How is everyone! 
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 
Well I renamed the parts into chapters because it was getting confusing!

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