A Birthday Surprise Part 1

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Chapter 25

A week later.....

"Ssssh, she's still sound asleep! " You whispered.
"But how can she it's her birthday? " Taehyung whispered as he looked at the little cupcake with a small, lit up, pink candle and your daughter.

"Okay, let's wake her up! " you whispered and you both quite walked over her bed.

You leaned over her and stroked her hair while Taehyung started singing 'happy birthday'.

The baby hybrid sleepy opened her eyes, she got up and rubbed her eyes and looked around before processing anything.

A big smile made it's way to her face.
"IT'WS MY BIRTWHDAY! " Everlyn happily screamed and you chuckled at her cuteness.

"Now, Everlyn blow out the candle" Taehyung stated and the girl blew out the candle.

You removed the candle so Everlyn can eat the cupcake.
You smiled foundly of the girl

"Umm, I need to do something " Taehyung said as he got up and he dropped something.


You woke up from the bed and went towards the fallen paper.
You furrowed your eyes in confusion as you looked at it.

You turned over the paper and on it was written ' To (Y/N) '.
It was written to you so you decide to open it.

Don't ask any questions, follow the notes.

Now you were confused as hell.
' What notes? ' you asked yourself.

You looked up and a pink  sticky note on the door frame caught your attention.
You went towards it and started to read.

Remember the day we meet?

You smiled then left the room, you found another one next to a frame in the passage way.

Under the stary night....

You smiled then you walked the passage looking for another note.
You found three sticky notes on your door.

Two strangers, a girl with galaxies in her eyes and a boy who had the universe in his grasp....

They sought to never meet each other again......

Faith played it's tunes and the two met again.....

You walked away from the sticky notes, walked around until you found  notes all over the sitting room.

You went to the one closet to you.
The girl was a shy brista and the boy a customer and the cousin of the owners....

You when to the next one.

They spared glances at each other, got to know one another's names but hardly spoke....

Then you went to the next one.

That was until one day, a baby hybrid entered their lives and joined them together a little more...

Then the next one..

As time went, their secrets unveiled and then they had a better understanding of each other...

You went to the next one...

They are closer then ever.....

Then the next one.

Even if not united by bounds....

You found the last three notes on the door leading to the piano room which is connected to the sitting room.

So (L/N) (Y/N)........

Your eyes went to the next note

Will you.....
Then the next note was the one that moved you the most...

Be my Soulmate for life?

You didn't know how to feel.
You were happy, overwhelmed, on the verge of tears, is there even a feeling like that?

Your phone buzzed and it was Taehyung.

Taehyung :Open the piano room door

You :Okay 

You opened the door and there stood Taehyung with roses and in the middle of fairy lights.

You didn't walk gracefully towards him, instead you ran and grabbed him into a bone crushing hug.

Taehyung nearly loose his balance but he manged to get it back.
He smiled at you even though you were busy squeezing him as if your life depended on him.


" Kitty, what's your answer? " he asked.
You released him and looked into his eyes.

"Yes, I'll be your Soulmate for life" you stated honestly as tears started to fall from your eyes which he wiped away.

Suddenly you heard clapping which made you confused, you turned around to see the rest of the gang with the hybrids.

"Yay, how miserable for the rest of us" Yoongi said sarcastically.
"Yoongi! " Kammy scolded.

"You guys are here! " you stated.
"Yep, who else you think helped hin do all this" Soobin stated.

"Well, we have Everlyn's birthday to start decorating for" Namjoon stated.
"Hmm, talking about Everlyn, where is the birthday girl?" Jin asked.

"I'm hwere! " Everlyn answered as she ran to hug Jin.
"Happy birthday princess " Jin happily stated.

"Daddi, I thouwght I waws yowr priwincess! " Skylar said with a pout.

Jin picked up Skylar and bopped her nose.
"Sky, you'll always be my princess" Jin stated.

"Now, now let's get things ready for the party " Taehyung stated happily.

Soon the gang was decorating the backyard and you were helping Jin in the kitchen.
"So spill da tea sista! " Jin said in almost a gangster-ish way.

"What tea? " you asked.
"Come on, I'm sure something happened? " Jin said in agony.
"Well, nothing did" you said and Jin groaned I'm agony.

"Did you know that Soobin is just 19? " Jin said randomly making you choke on air.

Jin quickly handed you a glass of water.
Finally you stopped choking.

"He doesn't look 19 though " you stated.

"I know " Jin repreplied.
"Anyway this cake would not bake itself! " You stated.

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