" Why? What happened? " the young Kree hybrid curiously asked. " Why didn't you come back with them and save the world ? Like they're so really cool and can fight bad guys and aliens, is there something wrong? "

Upon hearing the eight year old child's inquisitiveness, Carol nervously gulped and felt her heart racing once again. She didn't want to answer his questions which they would bring her traumatic memories as Ms. Marvel or Captain Marvel. She became uncomfortable and glanced at her husband. The Kree Eternal nodded and understood of his wife's disposition. Amnon waited for his mother's response and curiously tilted his head.

" Son, it's very complicated for her to answer your questions, " his father responded.

" Oh..." Amnon said and humbly bowed his head. " I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to ask that. "

" Kid, your father can answer that for you, " she smiled, hiding her anxiety to her son. Amnon nodded and looked at his father.

" Your mother was a legend. She was the greatest heroine I have married. Sometimes, she was very successful in defeating those bad guys, but she had failed in saving some people in distress and made so many mistakes, " Methu-Selah continued. " She may be overpowered, but she's not that perfect. I kept watching and guiding her when she met me in SWORD and had a conversation. Now, we're just an ordinary couple. We decided to raise and guide you in your future. "

" Right, I guess. Family is the most important thing to you, guys, " Amnon replied and smiled at his parents.

" Here's a newsflash for you, " Carol interjected and smiled back to her son. " Your father and I love you very much. That's why we spared you from those bad guys in America. "

" So, you're gonna protect me, instead? "

" Yes, son, " his father gently kissed the boy's forehead. " We won't allow anyone to hurt you. "

" Thanks, Dad, Mom, but am I gonna have powers like yours, since I'm part-alien? When and How am I gonna have them? "

" Kid, you're too young to discover and develop yours, " Carol explained. " We want you to grow up as a normal person, but eventually you will have them. "

" Why is that? "

" It's some people are afraid to see a child like you starting to attain those abilities. They think you're dangerous. "

" Well, so what should I do then? "

" You have to wait for the right time, monsieur Montmartre, " the Kree Eternal gently rubbed his son's wavy golden locks and chuckled. " It's better to be patient than being hesitant! "

" Dad! Please stop it! I'm not a dog..." Amnon cringed and sighed when his mother laughed at them.

" Kid, let it slide, " Carol paused laughing and said. " Your father is always like that! "

" But we've got Chewie with us, right? "

" He's gonna do the same thing to that feline, " she replied and changed the topic, kissing her son's cheeks. " Now, you need to get some sleep and count some sheep. "

Methu-Selah helped his wife to gently tuck their boy onto his bed and covered him with a blanket. Then, he placed his lips to his son's forehead when Amnon cheerfully smiled at his parents. The young Kree Eternal hybrid hugged them and lied down on his bed. His mother shut the lights and left him a lampshade light on his bedside.

" Amnon, we'll leave the door half-open just in case you need to go the bathroom or get to see us in the other room, " the Kree Eternal reminded him.

" Thanks, Dad, " Amnon replied. " Goodnight, Dad! Goodnight, Mom! "

" Sweet dreams, little one, " Methu-Selah said.

" See you tomorrow morning, " Carol added.

" Night! "

As Amnon had shut his eyes and comfortably snuggled in his blanket, his parents left his room and headed their way into their room. Carol sighed in relief which she was not able to disclose the truth in full detail, thanks to her spouse.

" It seems you're uncomfortable to tell your skeletons in the closet, " Methu-Selah said.

" I'm not ready to tell everything to our son, " she seriously replied. " It's just he might get infuriated with me. Amnon is too young to learn my horrible mistakes. "

" I understood, " he nodded. " You're trying to protect him from public scrutiny and harsh criticisms. But don't you even think he will learn the truth very soon? "

" I may realize that, but I'm afraid that will happen. "

" I see. It will not be coming from us, but eventually we'll do our best to explain and assure everything for him. Amnon will be angry at first, but he will soon accept and learn from you. "

" I guess for now, we will let him enjoy his childhood, even he sees danger. "

" We will keep protecting him, no matter what. "

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