Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Sera sits still as she watches Jonghyun closely. He's becoming fidgety the longer they sit in silence. His aura completely throwing off Sera's train of thought.

"Jonghyun!" She announces

"Yes, Sera?" He asks quickly, with the same doe eyes that her daughter and Jungkook have.

"Stop with the fidgeting and explain to me why my child is involved." She quips

"Well... my mom.. she's..." Jonghyun takes a deep breath...

"What? What's wrong with her?" Sera asks genuinely worried, since Jungkook told her she was sick, she hasn't really asked much more.

"She's dead." He says softly, choking his tears back.

Sera lightly gasps, "Dead? What... what do you mean dead?"

"I mean my father took a gun and murdered my mom." He responds

"Jonghyun this isn't funny." She says sternly as she stares at him

He eyes her, "Do I look like I'm laughing?"

"Why would he do that?"

"Because of you, Sera."

Sera's slightly offended. She'd never wish any harm on Mrs. Jeon. Of all the parents, she was always the nicest to Sera.

She takes a deep breath before swallowing her pride.

"Why me?" She tries to remain neutral but, she was just accused of being the reasoning behind someone's death.

"You have become something my father is rather obsessed with? He doesn't like to lose and when I wouldn't tell my father of your whereabouts—he threatened to kill my mother... she..." Jonghyun begins to tear up. He clenched his jaw tightly and closed his eyes.

"She didn't want me to tell him anything. So I didn't and now she's dead."

"Jonghyun I'm—"

"No," he said quickly while opening his eyes to meet her glistening-grey ones, "Don't say sorry. Just—This isn't about mourning or anything of that sort. I need you to protect Jungkook and Misa."

"Misa I can protect... Jungkook is a grown man and besides, what is going on? Why are you saying all of this?"

"Jungkook is a man easily ruled by anger... like my father. He needs protection from himself."

Sera only nods. Keeping herself calm, "Enough side conversation. What can happen to my child?"

"My dad has killed the lady of the house. He'll need someone to do the job my mother did which is basically making my dad look good. I think he wants to groom Misa into his perfect pet."

Your brows furrow and your jaw clenches.

"You better explain better than that Jonghyun." You sneer without meaning to

"Not sexually or anything of that sort but as a business partner."

"My daughter is not doing anything related to your father or JaWon. How do you know any of this anyway?."

"Dad called me a couple of days ago. Said either I give you up... or Misa and Jungkook..." he says slowly

Sera looks up worriedly, "Jonghyun.... What did you do?"

His lip quivers and his disheveled hair shakes as his shoulders move up and down from his soft tears.

"Sera I'm so sorry." He says

Sera abruptly stands up and stares shocked at the man in front of her.

She glances around the coffee shop and notices now that no ones inside.

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