Chapter Fourteen

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Funny how things work. The guys came down to busan to remember the girl they loved. The girl that held a special place in their heart.

But they came down to find that girl alive and to find that someone close to them was dying.

On Friday, February 14th, they didn't want to go to their spot anymore. Sera said she'd be back in two days. She promised that.

So instead they stayed at Jungkook's house and waited.

She said that on Wednesday.

Today is Tuesday.

They've been badgering Hoseok. It's been six days since they've seen her. And Hoseok hasn't heard a word from her. 

Anxious, they are; because times a ticking and they don't have much of it left.

Yoongi and Namjoon would have to go back to working at the bar.

Jungkook would be back at the office with his father, since he decided he likes his lifestyle and would rather not give it up.

Jimin would be back to his dance school.

Hoseok would be back to being the lead officer in Seoul.

Taehyung would be back to being the photographer.

And Jin would be back to finding out exactly what he wants to do or be in this life.

They didn't want to return, how could they? This information was stressful. She was there, but not there at the same time.

How could their worlds move on when they know that she's alive... she's just not here.

Hoseok finishes packing up the last of his things. It was dark and the snow wasn't too bad.

He and Jin wanted to leave before that changed.

"Happy birthday Hoseok." Jimin said from the couch

"Uh... yea... yea thanks." Hoseok says as he scratches the back of his neck

"Should we walk you out?" Asks Namjoon

"No... uh no." Jin says coming up from behind him

"Hoseok... can I speak to you... before you go?"

He nodded and followed Namjoon to the kitchen.

Hoseok jumped up onto the counter and Namjoon stood in front of him.

"I won't tell the others," Namjoon starts out, "But I need you to be honest with me Hoseok. Be honest so that I can stop harboring such dislike for you." He finishes

"Why do you dislike me, Namjoon?" Hoseok asks annoyed

"Because, that night... February 14th... the night we all met for Valentine's Day. We all had a huge fight. About the future, about being tired of hiding our love, about all of it," Namjoon pauses and Hoseok perks up to hear his words, "We all collectively decided to leave but I stayed and watched You, Jin and Jimin have your own spat with her. What was it about? Because I heard something that really just—God Hoseok did you get her pregnant?"
Namjoon whispers the last part

Hoseok nibbles at his bottom lip. He eyes burned into the tan tiled floors beneath Namjoon's feet.

Hoseok played with the necklace he never removes.

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